I rule.

My vanity thread is the best here.

Please tell me you see the irony.

And don’t even think about quoting any kind of Socrates here.

I rule more than you, because I rule more than you and I said I rule more than you.


I’m ready to praise you. Just do something. And I’ll follow.

Here is proof that you should praise me:

  1. I think.
  2. I think therefore I am.
  3. I am.
  4. To me, you don’t think.
  5. Therefore, to me, you are not.
  6. Since I know I think and I don’t know that anybody else thinks, it would be safest to say that I am the only one who thinks.
  7. I am the only one who thinks.
  8. No one else thinks.
  9. Therefore, no one else is.
  10. I am, and no one else is.
  11. Therefore, I am alone.
  12. Therefore, I rule over the only domain I can, or my body.
  13. Therefore, I rule everything.
  14. Therefore, I rule.

Hence, I rule.

Now, praise me.


Just kidding.


You assume that thinking is the only way to exist. And that you know whether I think or not.

Existence is suffering.

If I don’t think, then I amn’t. If I amn’t, then I have ceased suffering and am therefore superior since I have freed myself from Samsara.

Since the only thing that isn’t fallible is my thought it is the only thing I have proof of and so the only thing I can objectively hold as being real.

See point 6.

Who said your thought was infallible?

Hey, I win.

Doing good work is also difficult.
Suffering has to do with difficulty, and taxing effort.

When you’re out of samsara, you’re 100% dead.

Buddha was a nut, I say.

Being fallible is like being mortal.
You can still BE, even if not forever or invincibly.

I’m relativistic, always.

On what Authority!

I am a hand grenade



You have no legs!

…I rule!

or drool