I See A Short Rope In Your Future ...

Now that his fateful year is only a few days away, any predictions about what will really happen to Saddam Hussein?

My crystal ball has a short in it, so until I get it back from my repair genie, I can’t really say for sure.

But I was just thinking earlier today …

… What if they purposely ended up hanging one of Saddam’s doubles instead? :confused:

What if the real Saddam Hussein ended up in disguised secret CIA asylum, living here amongst us in America? :astonished:

Who’s your neighbor?! :laughing:

This is a pathetic attempt to garner some sort of anger out of the general public – who at this point mostly see Bush in a similar light to Suddam.

lol… I love how he’s getting hanged. What century is this again?

It is the 21st century… but then;

‘Barbarism is the natural state of mankind,’ the borderer said, still staring somberly at the Cimmerian. ‘Civilisation is unnatural. It is a whim of circumstance. And barbarism must always ultimately triumph.’
- Robert E. Howard, Beyond the Black River (1935)

It makes me wonder. 500 years ago the British courts began to disallow information gleaned under torture and here we are again.

Apart from the cruelty factor, the British began to realize that torture often generated lies (out of the victim’s sheer desperation to stop the pain). So since the information wasn’t guaranteed to be correct, they were no better off. Meanwhile, 500 years later…
