I sometimes wonder if other people are real

yes, that means you, out there.

Do they disappear when my senses can no longer keep track of them?

How real is their realness compared to my realness? Is a universal joke being perpetrated against my existence?

I can already imagine them saying “Yes, I’m real, just as real as you” but I begin to wonder what my expectations have to do with the actual outcome.

and yes, I am expecting a reply. Haha.

I’ll put my blowup doll at the keyboard. I sometimes wonder about her.

nothing to wonder about. she tells me everything. Fast typer, the doll.

I knew sumpin’ was up with her. She’s been rather distant lately.

I never ask this question, only because epistemology bores me. Maybe Impenitent can explain it to you.

anyone else here condsider themselves a hermit?

anyone else believe in determinism strictly because they dont WANT to be held accountable for anything. Responsible for nothing.

Does anybody know why they want that belief?

your reponse would be perfect for my “boredom” thread. There you’ll find boredom is the new “Fun to do”

I am quite dissapointed that I have not been able to get rid of some of you by pure thought. Oh well, I guess I’ll have to use other means. But don’t worry, I say this is good.

Solipsism should be rejected by the subject on the grounds of the physical similarity between himself and his human object(s), as the mind and the brain are correlatives.

Well, I just killed a bug.

it should, but it usually isn’t rejected when I think of how tricky the trickster could be.

chalk it up to paranoia, which everyone dismisses, or an overly elaborate egocentric view. Either way . . . trick.

Im not real, i am a figment of your imagination.

yes. they do disappear.

and so does everything else.

esse est percipi


Certainly Internet-Land is like Strawberry Fields where nothing and nobody is necessarily real -
"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.‘’ - Albert Einstein
“We are such stuff that dreams are made on, and our little life is rounded with a sleep…” -Shakesp. The Tempest
“What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes” -James 4:14
“You can be in my dream if I can be in your dream” -Bob Dylan

Are you really a Berkeleyan or are you just having fun?

I am a humean but that was one proclaimation by the bishop with which I agree…


Ontology, oh goody.

Did you know that all of the potentail actions and different outcomes of every moment of your existence branch of into a “puff” of nearly infinite vectors within a higher chronjective dimensional class then your current self exists within?

Your self is connected to allot of things right now.
The things which you are most concerned with & most able to effect/be-effected-by – are the things which are most “real” to you.

Yes, potentiality is a dimension.

The potentiality realms are the realms of the unborn.

As what is born sometimes wonders through [by chance or by choice] one of the realms of the unborn, he or she leaves their imprint upon the constant flow of that potentiality.

Later, the un-used and judged-as-irrelivent information within the unconscious minds of those who have been born, potentially may realize his or her “passed lives”. These are most often time-fragments.

This is just one of the many strange or subtle factors of our reality.

Few people realize these things, because they are obsessed with the things which appear to be most relative to their “real life”. For better or for worse, they know little about the “other side”.

“What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes”
But if that mist were self aware and capable of self-control, as it appears to have vanished it has just entered into another realm, from which it shall eventaully appear again in new ways.

All things in their elemental form are invincible.
They can be changed, but they cannot be destroyed or created.

If we weren’t real then saying that we weren’t real wouldn’t make any sense, or at least would be a pure simulacrum of meaning, without sense or referent. That’s one of the problems with solipsism, it makes no sense when actually described.

For you, yes.

Two and a half.

Probably. I reckon that God has a strong sense of irony.

One never gets an ‘actual outcome’, one gets an experience/interpretation thereof. As such, the expectation will probably, albeit unpredictably, have a huge impact on how you interpret the outcome. There’s no logical reason for thus, as dustbowl empiricism demonstrates, but it’s a habit humans have got into that’s pretty damn hard to break.

Sorry to introduce Jesus into the discussion, but he was a “reality-bender” of the first magnitude, here’s a fun piece I did on it -

MASH by Mick
For fun,imagine you could get through your TV screen onto the set of MASH where the actors didn’t know they were actors and they believed they really WERE in a Korean field hospital.
At first they wouldn’t believe you,but after you’d persuaded a few of them to remove their bandages and let them see they had no wounds,and after you’d convinced an actor playing the part of a dead man that he wasn’t really dead at all,and persuaded him to stand up,they’d regard you as a miracle man!
Similarly,perhaps our own “reality” exists within some cosmic TV screen,and perhaps Jesus came through that screen 2000 years ago to show us we’re only “actors”?
"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one’’ - Albert Einstein

I love this idea