Jesus said:-“I tell you the truth,if you have faith…you can say to this mountain ‘Move from here to there’ and it WILL move. NOTHING will be impossible for you” (Matt 17:20)
Hence he tells us straight that the supposedly rigid fixed laws of physics CAN be bent by “mindpower”,and that our material “reality” is in fact flexible and malleable and that WE TOO can do what he did !
Atheists miss out on a lot of fun by not analysing Jesus’s miracles.
For example he could never conjure up anything out of thin air, he always had to have something to work with, to re-arrange the molecular/atomic structure. For example he didn’t conjure up wine in empty pots, he instructed “fill them up with water” first, then he re-arranged the structure into wine.
Likewise he once spit in the dust to make a mud pie to plaster on a blind mans eyes, then re-arranged the molecules into new eyes.
And when he fed the 5000 he used a little bread and fish as “templates” with which to replicate much more…
Mick, I pray for your sins. You see, the Bible was written by the Flying Spaghetti Monster, through the disciples, Jesus was a noodly appendage with clothes on, and you and your “christian” friends have strayed from the path. It says so in my gospel. Atheists and everybody else are doomed to live in hell, with evil pants that are too tight, and large, unreachable mini-donuts.
Moreover, the Flying Spaghetti Monster is the only alterer of things, him and his pirates. In fact, it is going on right now, but you usually have to be a pirate to see it, unless He so chooses. There! Did you see that? Wait, it’ll happen again… There! Aw, you looked away. Darn.
From TheZeus - Mick, I pray for your sins. You see, the Bible was written by the Flying Spaghetti Monster, through the disciples, Jesus was a noodly appendage with clothes on
Fascinating theory mate but lets leave religion out of it and examine objectively a guy who said he wasn’t from this world, and who could apparently bend the laws of physics at will.
So what was he, con man or what?
Thinker, love the “Flying spaghetti monsterâ€.
Mick, have you ever read all the books of the Bible, you know the ones they left out? I am a “retired Christianâ€. Been there, done that, moved on. As far as “Do we really exist?†We are not just images in other peoples minds. We do not only exist in our mind. We seem to be a combination of many factors in and out of individual reality. Let me ask a few questions, your thoughts created by them may give a window for you to see through.
1.What are you, Body, mind, or spirit?
2.Do any of these remain constant non-changing throughout time?
3.Are you the same being as you where at 5 yrs old?
4.If you traveled back in time, met your younger self, would you recognize it are part of you?
5.Would the younger self see you as part of them?
6.Could all be in the mind of God, and God has some kind of multiple personality disorder?
Mc Cobb
The Zeus quote - Who said he ever was at all?
If he did exist, he was a very intelligent and resourceful man with the good of himself and others in mind
Jesus was too MEGA-HUGE not to have existed, the entire population of Israel and the occupying Roman Army (2 legions totalling 12000 troops) saw him
As for his motives, he said “I came to lay down my life in order to save the world”.
Would any con-man be willing to die like that?
Who said he was a con man? I sure didn’t. I said that maybe he died for a better society. Of course, he had a child first. It is interesting that the bible isn’t written by Jesus, just his disciples.
McCobb quote to Mick -
1.What are you, Body, mind, or spirit?
2.Do any of these remain constant non-changing throughout time?
3.Are you the same being as you where at 5 yrs old?
4.If you traveled back in time, met your younger self, would you recognize it are part of you?
5.Would the younger self see you as part of them?
6.Could all be in the mind of God, and God has some kind of multiple personality disorder?
1 - We’re spirits temporarily trapped in flesh. Jesus said:-“The spirit within gives life,the flesh alone is worthless” (John 6:63 )
2 - When the body dies, the soul flies! Jesus said the soul is eternal
3 - None of us are the same being as when we were 5. In fact we change second-by-second, eg the fact I’m writing this to you is changing me at the microscopic level…
4 - If I travelled back in time and met myself I’d say "Hi mate, you’ve got a few rough edges but you’re basically alright…
5 - And my younger self would no doubt say “I’m glad I’m going to grow up to be you”
6 - We could all be part of a Star Trek holodeck program written by God for all I know, but so what, lets just get on with it
Tell a person celebrating the birth of a child life is an illusion. Tell a person who laughs, loves and shouts with happiness life is an illusion. How about the people celebrating birthdays, and coming of age ceremonies. Hum, tell a person suffering from chemo that life is not real. Tell a person willl very real pain that that is not real. How about a person smiling with simple contentment watching a sunrise, sunset, or a happy bird life is an illlusion.
Life is not an illusion, it is joyfully, painfully and mundanely real.
Is not the dream world full of love, hate, fear and all the other stuff you just said is real? Does daily reality continues, or is broke up by the dream reality? Can you remember your waking reality when dreaming, or is it lost like the dreams are in the waking moment? Could there be more realities than the two mentioned that we don’t know of?
1 - We’re spirits temporarily trapped in flesh. Jesus said: -“The spirit within gives life, the flesh alone is worthless” (John 6:63)
2 - When the body dies, the soul flies! Jesus said the soul is eternal
3 - None of us are the same being as when we were 5. In fact we change second-by-second, egg the fact I’m writing this to you is changing me at the microscopic level.
4 - If I traveled back in time and met myself I’d say, "Hi mate, you’ve got a few rough edges but you’re basically alright.
5 - And my younger self would no doubt say “I’m glad I’m going to grow up to be you”
6 - We could all be part of a Star Trek holodeck program written by God for all I know, but so what, lets just get on with it
1 What does that mean to you? Can you remember before your spirit came into a fleshly body? Does that mean you were a comlpete spirit before birth? Does spirit have a conscience?
2 Where does the soul fly to? Up or Down in or out? What do you mean? Does Jesus mean that we continue to be reborn in new bodies? Does Jesus say there is only one body or does he mention rebirth?
3 Correct. If we are changing all the time, can we become someone else, someone we would not even recognize?
4 If someone came to you and said they are an older you, how can they be something that is yet to be? I can see how the older could say he was the younger but the younger has not become the older at the reality they are in when this meeting takes place? Therefore the older can be part of the younger but the younger cannot be part of the older. This could explain a bit about how we are part of God but not God
5 good attitude,lets get on with the dreaming
PS are you shure they would say Im glad I grew up like you?
Not to take away from anyone’s special moments, I just dont entirely believe my senses. I have trouble believing what I see. Especially when I’ve seen something in my lifetime that most people would say I’m insane for seeing . . . ufo.
For me, its not a matter of convincing other people that this is a dream-like place, because if they find meaning in their pain and happiness, good for them.
I’m just saying that I can’t get a handle or a grasp on the substance of reality. It seems like prank, like someone or some group is getting a big kick out of my existence. I’m too curious to “settle” for “real”