I still love myself and I feel like i live like the man in

2001 space odyessy, the final scene.

I know this life is a joke, and you all are the perpetrators of it. You’re all one big prankster.

Every story is made around my story. Before and after me. I am god posting on a messgeboard to no one but myself.

Thanks for your time! haha!

“haha” you said to yourself through duder.

Duder, I love your Mark Twain avatar. Did you ever read Corn Pone Opinions by him? It’s an essay.


Swiming in a sea of useless opinion?

yes, I’m at it again. Hopefully for the last time. Sigh.

Do you realise that your name, kevconman, can’t be taken seriously? It brings a certain vibration with it.


please explain. My full name is Kevin Connolly.

Not your real name your ILP name. You are essentially declaring that you are a con man. It has a feel of untrustworthiness.


well I write fiction and I am good at lies but . . . ah, I’m harmless?

I didn’t think that your name portrayed the image of untrustworthiness.

I don’t see any scams here.

I see a person who is searching, and putting allot of things into himself, but he’s not actuating much of it. He’s wondering what it’s all worth, instead… Maybe he has a ticking clock in his room… Quantizing the silance of unstopable change…

I don’t think you are actually untrustworthy, just pointing out what you might be putting out. I’m very big on words in terms of their vibration.


Blue winged fox.

Red boiling inept existential living supply stations.

Vibe mah words. What it be mean?