I think I'm an alcoholic...

I drink every night. The reason I do it is because I’m bored and I can’t sleep. Mostly because I can’t sleep.

When I don’t drink I’m up for hours tossing and turning. I haven’t been drinking long enough to go to rehab, but I have to quit.


Start an exercise program. Weights and running. It might help you sleep.

Some say the defining characteristic of an alcholic is drinking in the morning, so you sound fine to me!

Sounds like your mind is too active. Try meditating in some form or another, relax your mind. Let your head wander and don’t fight it. Start an hour before you sleep rather than grab that drink.

Try switching to weed.

Follow this man’s advice. He knows what he’s talking about.

Have you tried to read for an hour or so before you go to bed or something else to wind down like a hot bath.

Just take tylenol PM for the first few nights…

I’ve got some pretty strong sleeping pills, but they don’t help much.

I’m gonna give reading a try and see how that goes.

Sounds to me like it is a psychological ‘addiction’ as opposed to actual addiction. Just lay off the booze for a while, change your nightly ritual. The first few days will suck, but then you’ll be sleeping fine without it.

No shakes or anything, promise. Smoking some weed in the meantime might not be a bad idea either.

I’m a functional alcoholic. :wink:

Everyone says smoke weed.

I say just don’t drink anymore. Or, maybe drink one glass of red wine at night, I think that is supposed to be good for your heart anyway.

Eat right and work out- that will help immensely. There’s a school of thought that if you wonder if you’re an alcoholic, you probably are. I dunno, I’m not a mental health professional. You might want to try to get some help (AA, counciling, etc). Alcohol will help you get to sleep but it’s well known that it disrupts sleep patterns; you won’t sleep as soundly.

Admittance is the first step to recovery, Eclipse… :wink:

Hi Eclipse,
The first right thing you have done is recognized there is a problem concerning your drinking of alcohol. The second right thing is determination to set aside that problem. Your best advocate is you at this point and you are the one who has the reigns in your solving your problem. Sometimes though we need help in reconciling problems in our life. If you can place your faith in medical authority, you might want to think in that direction. If that isn’t an option, you may want to confide in a close friend or relative. The last would involve personal resolve wherein ‘pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps’ will be tougher, but net satisfactory results. I wish you well in your endeavor. O:)

I’m not saying that smoking weed will get anyone off alcohol. But it’s fun, anyway.

If you’re going to try to read to get to sleep, try Kant. Works every time for me.

Listen to Nietzsche. He said that there is too much bier in the German intellect.

It’s hard to quit. withdraw is a bitch.

Once you get over the hump, things are gravy.

like right now my nose is horribly cloged. it’s annoying as fuck.

I took for grantid how satisfying it is to breathe through your nose easily.

And for the brief moments where it becomes uncloged i am in heavan, but then sink back into discomfort with the epic “re-cloggining”.

and onec this damn cold passes, i’ll feel good, but it will eveltually average out into the same old, “sale old same old”

I hope this article helps… :slight_smile: Dreaming of a good night’s sleep: Unravelling the insomnia ‘cures’ to find the best way to nod off

Excellent idea, MagsJ.

Don’t solve the drinking, solve the insomnia, which if you are right, will solve the drinking!


Of course, that is what everyone was originally doing, but then somehow it turned into solving the drinking. I think MagsJ is right to get us back on track to solve the insomnia, then if the drinking remains a problem, solve the drinking.

I have a question. Are you sure that you weren’t having these imsomnia problems prior to drinking, then got drunk one night and slept well (which may have been entirely circumstancial and not mutually exclusive) and convinced yourself that the drinking is why you slept well?