Be mentally aware enough to adapt or change your mind state, take on ignorence and more emotion.
Let your emotions tell you what to think and feel instead of critical analysis or thought, be more impulsive and focus more on animalistic desires, don’t keep your mind about you. Truly belive ideals you want to belive in and using some lame minded logic to convince your self that it’s true, finally stop giving a shit about stuff you feel lessen experiences.
Theres brain damage, but thats harder if not impossible ( in some cases ) to return to smarty artyness.
If you could unlearn your stupidity would be short lived without ignorence.
i imagine that once you have learned to think rationally, it will be hard to ever fully supress it.
You may go on animalistic spurts, or crazy religious revivals, but in the end you will probably go back to rational thinking as a form of survival skill when you need to put some puzzle pieces together in your mind.
find the balance son, may the force be with you chewbacka.
“why the fuck not??” should be a sufficient answer… BUT b/c what I said earlier, I hear that they are really really insightful and useful in your life. I have heard that they are not cheesy self-help books (though self-help books don’t need to be cheese) but that they actually can improve your life and help you make sense of senselessness… maybe add some more bliss. I like bliss and I am a proud hedonist (…balanced with family/social/community responsibility of course)
I started the emotional intelligence book, and it draws upon evolutionary biology and so it isn’t suppressing things to make you happy, it is just giving you the mental tools to (as I said before) make more sense of senselessness. I like it so far…
I dunno, if you dunt want to read 'em, then don’t ya know.
I’m actually feeling quite dull/stupid as I type this ( [size=84]I cracked-one-off-at-the-wrist two times yesterday[/size] ).
That Japan deal ?. . . Did you actually do that ? . . . Anyway, I think that before I emigrate, I’m going to try a bit of ’ solo ’ camping this summer; just for a couple of days, or maybe even a couple of weeks. I will not bring any electrical equipment (not even a watch) and no alcohol/drugs. I may bring paper and some pencils, but, isn’t that an invention too (language)? No . . . What I need to do, to occupy my time while out in the wild, is ’ build ’ something . . . Maybe some kind of shelter, using all natural materials. I might bring one large plastic sheet, just as a speedy way of making a waterproof roof, although I suppose I could try thatching, or perhaps make a tiled-roof from strips of bark. The hardest part will be finding/picking the right location; a natural woodland, miles from anywhere. Believe it or not, there are very few places like that in Ireland . . . In the main, it’s all fields, bogs and pine-forest plantations.
Of course, when my secret forest dwelling is completed, I will immediately begin kidnapping local children.