I thought i was semicolor?

“Dear Brumann, you are such a loser,” the woman bent over and then anounced further," and you can’t be trusted nor can the spectors be trusted!" The smalll man on the floor stared blankly at her and a piller of green emerged from his head and he began to realize that the spectors are here and it was time to go.
The dark shadow of the spector stood over the small man, consuming the huge green piller with unexpressed pleasure and lust. “You are a loser and you cant be trusted!” The woman said again as spittle flew from her swinging jaw. " But Lady! I don’t even know who you are or where I am!"

The spector consumed all of the mans green piller and the man then stood straight up like a line pulled tight. “Good day mam.” The man said blankly to the woman. Then she turned and said, “Much better.”

The man walked through time like a slowly melting icecream cone sliding down the sidewalk on a hot summerday. His life poured out from his body at every opening and was spread unto the world.

" He was a mess, was he not?" The lady siad to the spector. The spector stared back with an expression of boredom creased into his shadowy self.