Anyone in the world that doesnt like all five of these songs cant be trusted.
No. 2 sucks, no. 5 annoys me, the other three are ok - no. 1 being the best of the bunch, for me.
Rammstein - I like their videos, but not their music.
Its a funk circle of trust Mags, your either inside the circle or your not,
if you can admit you would @ least dance to 2 & 5 then I guess that changes things, if not, then I guess your outside
I couldn’t bring myself to dance to 2 & 5, DoL - I’ll just have to remain outside the circle!
Your musical tastes a bit trite anyway mags, you said you were into house but never even knew who moodyman was till I told you
I can’t believe that you just dissed my musical taste.
…but I aint into that kinda house: it’s not to my taste, so I don’t know who he is - I’m into a different kind of house!