I want to erase http://forums.philosophyforums.com/

How does one go about doing that? Is it even possible?

The sooner I give Paul a taste of his own medicine, the more relieved I will be.

To be honest, I actually had thoughts about going over to America to find Paul, torturing and then killing him.

You think I’m not serious? I am serious!

what did he do to you? :-k

He banned me (Technically Reformed_Nihilist did, I want him in pain too), and he’s an utterly sanctimonious little shit. He talked to me on YIM.

Have a look at him on the forum.

did you get into his nerves? :-k

just went there, site sucks.

Yeah, as did the rest of the worshipers wishing to stay Paul’s juvenile wrath.

admit that your a tough nut to crack

Everyone gets on his nerves. Especially people who like to actually admit something unpleasant about women.

Paul’s just doing that to look “morale”. He doesn’t give a shit about women.

Yeah, if someone would like to inform me about deleting his site, I’m all ears.

Don’t know about deleting it but, there are other tactics. To delete a site you would have to own the server or have control of it at least.

Yes, that’s why you could hack into it and delete it.

I want to erase the universe.

Jk. :wink:

Tell us all about your murderous plans. Your secret is safe with on the internet.

the pages take forever to open there.

Philosophy Forums is okay, but you do have to dot your Is and cross your Ts, or at least have it look that way.

No, you’ll have to look at what Paul likes and dislikes and follow from there.

What’s the point of a philosophy forum if one cannot make statements about women?

Yeah, right…

Seems pretty childish to me. If you aren’t welcome in someone elses ‘home’, just move on. What’s with the ego problem? Wounded? It will pass.
Yes, the world is a hard place, but you can’t tantrum out on everyone that doesn’t behave as you think that they should! Maybe you can, but not for long…
Behave yourself!

Uhh…no. You’re pretty childish if you think you get over things.

I don’t get over anything, and neither do you. I don’t get over banning for wanting to be myself. I don’t get over the fact that I’m not accepted.

Why can’t I think about getting revenge, you self-righteous hypocrite?

What do you want me to do? Get over it? I won’t get over it; it just revolves around in my head.

Please…don’t talk to me about “childishness” when you act so childish, you hypocritical imposter.

And no, it happened more than a year ago, and the wound hasn’t passed. So shut up, you ignorant fool!

You prove my point that your shaky ego has been wounded, and that you are responding as a child, as witnessed here.