I’ve desided to reply to this one comment in a thread.
When people live at a high speed, pushing harder and farther, most things which happen in any given day are forgotten and left in a heap. Un-addressed, subtle conditions have been passed down from generation to generation, eventually inherent in your deep inner-self. Almost anything you need to show anyone – can be said in a few minutes of calm thought. And though most people do not trust their sub-conscious mind, this part of the mind which functions even more-so when the conscious mind is peaceful/less-active – can process allot of things which persons normally feel as though they must face/worry about.
Before one can have a peaceful future, one must calm one’s passed. Many conscious/emotional mobilizations today are so busy repeating and advancing themselves, that they have no time left to stop and realize that they do not even need to exist. Living is so simple and easy, when it is reduced to basic need.
Make note that a mind brought to peace – is not a mind brought to inaction. Suppression stops activity, but peace is a deeper connection-with/harmony-with universal/personal flow-rates/processes.
Most people are caught up in the idea of changing the world, to some degree or another, as the world has been changing them, etc. All of this effort to control or alter – simply creates more and more karma, instead of emptying what is already there. Also, most of a person’s change is not the fault of the world, but instead, this change exists due to the way the individual changes thyself in reaction to the world.
As people are born and born, the karma of both their parents – enters into/becomes the child. Their karma may have changed form, but it is basically still the same thing as it was 5000 years ago, in a slightly different form. The “future” and “fate” don’t really exist. Only the present exists, and the present is the manifestation of the whole passed. One can only change the future – by dealing with the results of the passed, now. Control karma, or it will control you. There are billions of karmic elements which are left unaddressed, piling up, unkept, eventually becoming too heavy to hold. Persons can’t even preserve what they have, why take more? Why is quantity always put above quality?
Proof seems to be the greatest burden of all, in that one most often fights with another – because they feel they have “something to prove”. Fantasies and delusions which do not actually exist – can only be forced upon minds. Meanwhile, reality is always, and requires no proof.
Even during a war – one can have peace, if one is not afraid. Even during a time without war, one can feel terror and strife. Unity, kinship and a total acceptance of what everything actually is, this should be our goal.