I would like to say something:

I’ve desided to reply to this one comment in a thread.


When people live at a high speed, pushing harder and farther, most things which happen in any given day are forgotten and left in a heap. Un-addressed, subtle conditions have been passed down from generation to generation, eventually inherent in your deep inner-self. Almost anything you need to show anyone – can be said in a few minutes of calm thought. And though most people do not trust their sub-conscious mind, this part of the mind which functions even more-so when the conscious mind is peaceful/less-active – can process allot of things which persons normally feel as though they must face/worry about.

Before one can have a peaceful future, one must calm one’s passed. Many conscious/emotional mobilizations today are so busy repeating and advancing themselves, that they have no time left to stop and realize that they do not even need to exist. Living is so simple and easy, when it is reduced to basic need.

Make note that a mind brought to peace – is not a mind brought to inaction. Suppression stops activity, but peace is a deeper connection-with/harmony-with universal/personal flow-rates/processes.

Most people are caught up in the idea of changing the world, to some degree or another, as the world has been changing them, etc. All of this effort to control or alter – simply creates more and more karma, instead of emptying what is already there. Also, most of a person’s change is not the fault of the world, but instead, this change exists due to the way the individual changes thyself in reaction to the world.

As people are born and born, the karma of both their parents – enters into/becomes the child. Their karma may have changed form, but it is basically still the same thing as it was 5000 years ago, in a slightly different form. The “future” and “fate” don’t really exist. Only the present exists, and the present is the manifestation of the whole passed. One can only change the future – by dealing with the results of the passed, now. Control karma, or it will control you. There are billions of karmic elements which are left unaddressed, piling up, unkept, eventually becoming too heavy to hold. Persons can’t even preserve what they have, why take more? Why is quantity always put above quality?

Proof seems to be the greatest burden of all, in that one most often fights with another – because they feel they have “something to prove”. Fantasies and delusions which do not actually exist – can only be forced upon minds. Meanwhile, reality is always, and requires no proof.

Even during a war – one can have peace, if one is not afraid. Even during a time without war, one can feel terror and strife. Unity, kinship and a total acceptance of what everything actually is, this should be our goal.

i totally agree - accepting the truths you have just espoused would greatly improve the world. however, i also feel that, since the vast majority of the world we know well does not accept them - probably because it does not ever really think about them - in order to be accepted by the world, and to communicate with the people in it, one has to carry on in the rushed manner you’ve been talking about; and it is useful to be accepted by the world and to communicate with the people in it. i feel that these two requirements - of living a genuine life of quality as you have described and of living properly ‘in the world’ as we know it - need to be reconciled to one another, but i am not sure how.


see my posts:

uncommonforum.com/viewtopic. … &highlight

uncommonforum.com/viewtopic. … &highlight

V (Male)

For free access to my earlier posts on voluntary simplicity, compulsive spending, debting, compulsive overeating and clutter write: vfr44@aol.com. Any opinion expressed here is that of my own and is not the opinion, recommendation or belief of any group or organization.

I dissagree with you… fighting for what you believe might ‘create karma’ but what the hell… it’s worth it… Id rather fight than ‘reduce my life to basic needs’ I mean, that brings peace 4 sure…but a deathlike peace… I don’t wanna be a zombie, I don’t wanna give up, I will be heard, and I will create a hell lot of karma, and I’ll get back those who destroyed me in the beggining … :cry:

also… you say we have to control Karma instead of letting it comtrol us… that’s what I want to acomplish, but not by ignoring life and not generating more karma, and killing my mind to not feel it’s effects…
I want to ‘make a point’ no matter how ‘un-buddhist’ this is.

Dan: I agree that self-reflection may be calming, but where I depart from you is on whether this is ‘better’.
It is just as much a natural human inclination to actively seek challenges and to work at a competitive level as it is to reap the benefits of stopping and contemplating life. For all I can see, in either case there are psychological (or karmic, if you wish) benefits- in the sense that one can experience fulfilment and pleasure from either.

Additionally, I’m forced into scepticism on the entire matter until I have reason to accept ‘karma’ as an axiom…
For now it still seems like just another semi-religious ‘reward and punishment’ explanation for the serotonin count in my brain (but I suppose this is probably for a different thread).

I agree with most everything except for defined cause and effect.

From the quote… When you dwell in the future according to satori, you dwell in a mindset of worry and conservation. How many old ladies have saved a fortune waiting for the future, and still never left the town they grew up in… (A parrellel for study,… the sixties came from parents who went through two WW’s and the great depression. The biggest definition people have of themselves is what they have to compare themselves to.)

Let people who enjoy hypothisiing the future worry about the future. It’s healthy stress to them… I’m just worried about my money and what I can do with it, since most every job out there is unhealthy stress that gives little reward and little to learn from/ overcome. I just want a job I can handle and I’m placeing all of my reward on home life. Witch is why lots of people compensate with promiscuity and drugs and a neglected relationship taken for granted.

I have learned to redefine Karma as evil people are attracted to evil people. It goes along the same parrelllels of misery loves company. I think it’s just a demeanor and understanding thing.

As for the part of Karma being passed down to the children. The alcaholism gene shows the same circumstances as actually having devoloped a tolerance to alcahol. And addictive personalities can be taught into children by example. I’m just wondering the parrellel between control freeks and drug addicts. But what you have said with this stament is biblically true. It says that the sins of the forefathers will be passed down through the generations.

I think the rest of karma that you are becomming aware of has to do with the built up level of stress in every day life. We just take it in untill we become caloused to it,… and our demeanor fails a part of it.

The worst of all of this is how two income families as a norm,… and mental
stress taking over physical stress jobs leaves people brain drained,… and family life has been reduced to nothing except room mates.
… The Job of a parent is to give the children the reasoning skills needed to get through life. This includes teaching them things on a one on one level. Plus giving children the love they need. If you don’t think that’s a job, well then you don’t know. Part of love is trying to get into their heads and figuring out what an ADD syptomatic child really needs. I’ve figured out that an overactive mind can be a blessing.