If chickens are made to be eaten, what is of man?

I can understand why chicken farms, or that of the sort; to raise, to be sold and to be eaten. But what of man? Are man to be brought up and be exploited and be sold for other powerful man or being?

i hope that one would see many differences between man and chicken. conscious recognition, self-awareness, souls, wider range of emotions & thoughts, et al. while i am in support of more humane treatment of animals, i do not put any animal on the same level as a human. in our current society, human life is regarded as more precious than animals. to get to a point that humans are treated as animals (as in farming), we would need to lose 90% of our concern for human life. not unlike what most primitive societies treat it as.

do you see any other way for humans to be treated on that lower level?
wouldn’t it almost be a step back to downgrade our importance on life?
as a trend, are we not moving towards regarding life as even more important?

however, one might say that we are being farmed! ahh, the days i used to work in a cubicle farm. walls of cubicles as far as the eye could see in all directions. the monotone drone of the voices on phones. the always present whitenoise that you didn’t really know was there until it stopped. all so comforting. baaa, baaaaaa.

are schools and colleges just farming us to be mindless grunts working on mindless projects for mindless middle managers while the powerful men are sitting in their corporate boardrooms treating entire divisions of the company like mindless pawns to profit from?

I think a better lesson to learn from this is not that man ought be exploited as a chicken, but that chicken, despite their lowly position, play an important role simply by doing what they do.

It is a good lesson in knowing one’s place and where they fit in society. For humans the challenge is to identify that and either make peace with their position or find a way to improve it.

Know your place, but also ask if that place is where you ought be.

I must say, I’m bothered by the discrepancies between natural order that encourages exploitation for survival and human morality which demands fair treatment of all living things.

Chicken farms are a welcome help for our survival in a world where natural resources are diminishing in proportion to burgeoning human population. But doesn’t human morality demand that we give the chickens a fair exchange? I would think that healthy and desirable food and decent living conditions should be minimal. Unfortunately the natural family unit and social interactions of birds are already disrupted.

So what of people? Why should wanton exploitation NOT be the natural order as well? We are part of society that demands a social order, enforced by law and by living necessities. We all find ourselves slotted in social niches that are more or less pleasing, depending on our aspirations. So we exploit some people and are exploited by others. Why shouldn’t this be so?

I was about to post a brand new topic, but you all have encouraged me to do not,k so I will post it here.

The nazi medical science team has used condemn Jews, Poles, Russian, for human experiments to develop biological weapons, to see which posion kills faster for mass destruction. The air attitude experiment, where a victim is locked in a atmospheric structure, and the scientist examine and observes him until he is dead, and the open up his body, the experienment to develop perhaps aircraft.

For those extreme crimes no punishment is adequate. But I was thinking more in terms of proper compensation for social services rendered in daily life, both for individuals and for social entities.

are you asking if this is an acceptable hierarchy of power? if humans do research on animals, should humans also be allowed to research on other humans?

I’ll moved that question to the new thread on Hioppocractice oath.
Human research on humans is only void when the contract is done correctly, which I do not know which one is it, but I think it is call the belmount ethical principle outline or numerberg code. Starting by giving consent from the subject, tell them the risk and benefits, and which subjects are qualified to be conducted on.

Ah yes, concent… What a reassurance.