If God

If God is a Judgment then Nothing is Truth?

If god were a fairy, he would sit under red mushrooms only.

God will one day be a myth as laughable as the Tooth Fairy. This day will come when the ubermensch rules the world.

We no longer believe in the Greek Myths, but nor do we laugh at them.

I think you got it switched up…God is truth then there IS judgement… Cuz you can’t have judgement without truth and vice versa, so to say the other doesn’t exist you’re denying the first…and the truth is still unknown, and what is unknown we say is not there…I say the unknown is as present as the solid piece of mass under your feet…:slight_smile:

Well! I think you are assuming here that God judges people, but God does not judge, our own actions judge us. God is still the justice system because he proclaims justice or in other words makes it known. He does not judge anyone in effect, He can’t because He’s God, so He has to be just and people who are just will not judge anyone. So your statement makes no sense because where God is concerned, everything has to be truth.

Can you establish why God must be just?

The Underground Man,

I think the reasons are several why God should be just.

  1. Justice is a good thing.
  2. It is desired by all.
  3. Makes everyone happy.
  4. Makes the world go round.
  5. But the main reason God chooses to be just is because He has the power to move mountains and more.

Let’s say Underground Man that you have this enormous power and you know that. Now if you happen to use this power adversely or mistakenly then you see the effect of it. So would you not choose to be just, looking at what your act could accomplish? Because then no matter what the consequence, it would be justified. Therefore, God chooses to be just!

assuming god is good…


If I was omnipotent, would I then by definition be good? That seems to be God’s chief justification- pure, naked, might-makess-right power. He’s always right because he writes the rules. By definition he’s Good because, well, he says so and who are we to argue?

Bow in supplication to Him, praise Him with your every thought and deed, love him unconditionally and without reservation- OR ELSE! Nevermind that you may not want His grace or to look upon His divine countenance, and that you wish simply to be left alone. No dice, bubba. You’re his property by right of omnipotent power.

Okay, as disrespectful as that sounds to a Christian, Jew or Muslim, that’s essentially how their Bibles read to many of us. IF you accept the authorship of those books as being divine, then perhaps even as petty and domineering as those Gods sound, you have to accept his mastery of your destiny. But if you’re a Deist, or have some other religion/philosophy that recognizes a God but just not that one, I don’t think it’s reasonable to assume from the “evidence” (ie the world) that God is good.

At any rate, BeenaJain, while those are all excellent reasons why God should be good, it doesn’t force Him to be if He doesn’t want to. :wink:

and how do you know man’s idea of good is god’s idea of good? did god say thus and so or did some man say that god said?


Hmmm, I’m not to sure about your reasoning… here’s my thoughts:

1)Justice is a good thing. What is just for one may not be just for another, and it all depends on how justice is used. Hypothetically speaking, if I killed your brother, would it then be just for you kill me, or perhaps for you to kill my brother? Eye for an Eye? Some, maybe most, would think that death deserves death, but what happened to turning the other cheek? Won’t violence breed more violence? And then you have to look at why I killed your brother in the first place. Did I have reason to?

2) It is desired by all. There are people in this world so apathetic to life, that they just don’t care about justice anymore. But, again, this would depend on the situation.

3) Makes everyone happy. Are there not both positive and negative reprocussions from justice? With every action, there are both positive and negative consequences. Example: Hitler. He was happy in knowing that he was making a new world reform in his own image of what it should be. He justified killing thousands because of his own beliefs. However, a lot of people were not happy in this “just” act.

4) Makes the world go round. Hmm, I really don’t know what to say about this one. I mean, it depends on what you are getting at with this point. Either way, it seems like a reason that’s full of fluff and no conviction.

5) But the main reason God chooses to be just is because He has the power to move mountains and more. This one really should be left with the “religion” section of this site (although, this whole question should be on the religion posts, so who really cares anyways, we’re still talking about it). Right, so let me get this straight: Because God has this tremendous power, he then must want to be just in his actions. Well, that depends on whether you have a Happy God or a Vengeful God. Personally though, I’m not so sure I can comment considering that I belong to no specific religion, but live by a personal faith. Either way, we would have to know what God’s plan and will are, which personally, I haven’t been informed about. I mean, I’ve skimmed through the Bible, the Koran, Buddhist teachings, and many other forms of religion, and there really is no “definite answer” to this one.

God is the ever elusive thing called love!
Love…pure love is truth!
Truth is Just!

so therefore if somebody does ill against you and you do not react because of love, then you have God…reacting lovingly to an ill comment will only make the commentator look foolish…no??..how can you place so many restrictions on God?..the God that’s in the Bible and the Pure love God is the same thing…the only thing different is the understanding of love through different peoples perspectives…disagree?

Phaedrus, very clever man! Ok, where it’s true that, “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely,” I don’t think that God could be corrupt because God is outside our universe and the above quote applies to our universe, so it is NOT APPLICABLE to God. So where God could be omnipotent meaning all powerful, He could still be good and just.

As for the definition of good, well, I think that good is universal. So what we consider as good, God must also consider that as good because this definition of good in the first place came from Him. It’s only the corruptness that came from us.

As for your saying, “He’s always right because he writes the rules,” well, don’t you think that’s good and that’s how it should be too? Someone has to write the rules, if it’s God, where is the flaw? We only have to take one look at the way we humans write the rules and laws and how flawed they are for us sometimes, to discover that we are better off that God made the rules. So, “Whatever happens happens for the best.” Don’t you think so too?

I understand the concept of God’s morality being transcendant and above our meager concepts of good and evil, a la Kierkegaard’s “faith by absurdity.” And you can’t really refute it; it’s not falsifiable. But it’s also not compelling to me- there’s a thousand things you could make up that can’t be refute, but it doesn’t make it true. Take the idea that God made the universe only five minutes ago, and just placed things as they are to appear older (eg you think you remember what you had for dinner last nite, but you didn’t exist back then- God just planted the memory of it).

I’m too much a rationalist for that. While God could be Just, I see just as much compelling evidence that He’s imaginary. Take away the Bible and no one would come up with the Judeo-Christian God as the most likely answer for anything.

At any rate, no, I don’t think force makes right, whether in the case of humans or God. If God was always right it wouldn’t be because he’s all powerful, but because he’s all knowing. But I don’t any good reason to think that He exists at all.

Well! I think you are assuming here that God judges people

The Knowledge of Religion blinds us from the Wisdom of Truth.

God is Truth, the Truth within you and within all.

If God is a Judgment then Nothing is Truth.

Free Will a Gift of Truth.

Truth is without judgment.
Judgment is without Truth.

Phaedrus, I don’t think God’s morality could be transcendent because then he would not be able to exact justice because His morality would exceed limits and He’d be just moral and could not exact justice, but He does exact justice, we know that. It is falsifiable what you were saying, I just refuted it. And God must exist because, if you take the big bang theory, scientists don’t explain why the laws of physics were in operaion, what was the reason or mind behind that because there would have to be a reason why the big bang happened. What was this reason, who was the mind behind it? It must be some power, it must be God. So, God is not an imaginary force. You can see this force in operation even in our universe all the time because you didn’t create the earth and even if it formed by this huge flowing mass of debris, gas, etc., flowing and forming a rotating disc that gradually rounded, there has to be some law, rule, power operating. This power or mind has to be God. And this God must be absolute in the sense that He can create, sustain and dissolve Himself. Obviously that’s different from our universe, but then, the laws of our universe don’t have to match the laws of God’s universe. Perhaps it also means that He could create us. I don’t think anybody can figure accurately the entire mystery of the universe. I give up!

Truth is Nothing - No Mind No Matter!

Truth is without Judgment.
Judgment is without Truth.