if i lie to a college ?

dear ilp, i was in comunity college. i compleatly fucked up my transcripts, its to the point that i probobly couldnt use them to get into a university. after coming back down to earth, and looking for jobs iv realized two things 1 i need to keep learning. 2 i cant survive working shity jobs. what i want to do is start compleatly over at a different school. here is my question: if i go somewhere else am i required to give them my shitty transcripts? i would like to just start over clean. if i am required will they find out if i lie? i dont see how they would other then the financial aid office…are f.a. offices connected ? 3. grammer, it turns out, is real.

Yes, if you lie the college will probably find out.

I’m sure though that you might be able to devise some vastly clever scheme that might slip it by, however that takes a bit of…cleverness.

Depends what they ask for I suppose.

I would think you can go into an undergrad program with simply your high school transcripts.

you could just make up a university?

GH Universtiy?..sounds credible enough

Who cares if you lie to a University, they lie to the students everyday.

muscular philosopher,

just becasue i university lies to you dosent mean its ok for you to lie to them.

He was asking wheter or not he has relativly high chances of getting caught.

Hi GalacticHeart:

The University of Minnesota had a school called General Collage. I think that was the name and they have been trying to get rid of it for years but it might still exist. It was intended as a starter school for those who did not do well in high school but who wanted to apply themselves latter.

You might look into it.

Good luck - Ed

GH - You mean you got lousy grades?

You should consider going back to that C.C. and talking to an academic counselor. You may then wish to consider re-enrolling there. Tell them you are very sorry for being an idiot, and that you’ll be good from now on.

They may be able to expunge certain grades (failures) or at least guide you in how to present yourself when you do apply at a four-year school. You have nothing to lose by asking. If you really are willing to straighten up and fly right, it should be apparent to any school you apply to in the future.

I think the financial aid thing might get you caught if you lie. If you can ascertain, from the counselor or in some other way, that you won’t get caught - then lie through your teeth. But in the long run you may do better to come clean and deal with the mess you made - and go about presenting yourself in the best possible light.

But talk to someone who knows something.

i.e. you messed about and did poorly?

Yeah, who wants to work for a living when you can study for a… well, not exactly a living, more a… a… - why the fuck do people study or work? Both seem like shitty options to me.

You can, you just lack the discipline to make it work, which is also why you buggered up your college transcripts. Face your demons.

And be allowed to make the same mistakes again? Is that fair? I think that you’re asking for something that you’ve clearly not earned.



I think so.

Listen, you fucked up your first chance at college, are too lazy to work shitty jobs, and are thinking about lying to cover your ass and try to get on easy street from here on. I think that you have much, much greater problems than the ones you’ve outlined here, ones to do with your character and attitude. You’d do better to admit you fucked up and be sincere and work hard from now on. It doesn’t involve lying, it just involves being honest with yourself, which is much harder.

I take it you’re in the states… in England people expect to see your transcripts and while you do not have to give them, its a massively suspicious thing to refuse. You’d have to fabricate three+ years of life which you didn’t lead.

You forget one very important detail. You are paying them money to educate you. Your transcripts are only used to determine what classes you took and how you did in them which accumulates to a degree. You have every right to start over and tell them to throw out your transcripts or use what is good on them. You pay them remember that. You are the boss not them. they are there to guide and educate you. You are not in public school anymore so don’t act like you are going to get detention, they want you to behave that way but, you employ them. Trust me go in be honest and diplomatic and set yourself straight, it is all a part of being mature.

It doesn’t work like that, Kris. Academic institutes would quickly lose their reputations if they allowed transcripts to be altered favourably for everyone. Yes you are paying them, but you are paying them to be impartial, as well as to educate you. Otherwise your degree is not worth the paper it is written on.

Obw - I’m not sure that you understand the mission of american community colleges. I enrolled in a class in one, once. The first class was cancelled, through no fault of the school. The second class, I waited for the instructor for half an hour. When he/she didn’t show, I went to the bursar’s office and demanded my money back. I got it.

I told them it was a waste of my time and money. They capitulated.

Community colleges, in america, are two-year schools. Taxpayer supported. Taxpayer controlled. It’s an actual democracy here. Kris is correct. This is why I suggest that thye kid go and talk to these people.

We don’t pay them to be impartial. We pay them to provide a product.

Siatd may also be correct - but that is about the student, and not the school.

I did not say to fabricate anything. I merely point out that they are paid to guide and educate. It is up to the student the direction that education takes. If a transcript is muddled up then it behooves the educators to guide the student into correcting it and since the student is the boss and no longer in a adult/ child relation with a college or university that student must be an adult and fix the mess I merely was pointing out that he is in control of this situation and to be mature, it is his money they are gladly taking, he needs to control some of his own life there. If a university or college refuses to assist as is their job, then the student must understand that he/she is in a monetary contract and they have rights to that end.

If what you say is true, Faust (and I’ve no reason to doubt it) then… wow.

In the UK, transcripts are key to obtaining certain jobs. Not just your class of degree, but how you did in individual parts of it, matters alot to some employers and most graduating students will ask for a few copies to take home. Employers will also ring up universities to request transcripts. It’s obvious my knowledge of the system stateside is lacking… I assumed it to be similar.

Here, I don’t think a lot of employers look too hard at transcripts, if they look at them at all. A Harvard MBA is pretty much a Harvard MBA - excepting, I am sure, in highly competitive circumstances. Many large companies here have their own testing for employment. These include aptitude tests, but also psychological tests and, most importantly, drug tests (my tongue’s a bit in my cheek for that last one).

Employers are apt to look at the actual school - a major university degree counts for more than some small New England Academy - or perhaps less. Companies here take their “corporate culture” very seriously.

A lot depends on the type of business. My experience has been that most depends on the interview (which is several interviews in large companies) and the tesing.

someoneisathedoor.—going to a different college would not be “easy street” I would be doing it from a full time job in downtown mpls. without a car. (mpls isnt the worst city, but its not safe to walk around in late , by yourself, for 2 years. ) as for fucking up- yes, i fucked up. but you have NO idea the factors that led up to that. i have no problem being honest with myself. the problem is; i dont have the money to spend on an education that wont get me into a university.

It would be if you got in by lying, that’s my point.

So buy a gun.

You whole attitude towards the thing seems to be ‘how can I get the most out of it with the least effort’. Regardless of circumstance, this is never a good attitude.

Dunno. I wouldn’t have started this thread if I was in your position.

"it would be if you got in by lying, thats my point. no. it would be “shorter hard as fuck street” as opposed to “longer hard as fuck street”-- thats my point.

That which you attain cheaply, or by deceit, won’t satisfy you in the long run, even if it is hard for other reasons.