With any real life team, community, village, group of people etc. each person, by the nature of their behaviour, takes on a predominant role within the group. Examples are, the mediator, the aggravator, the village idiot, the genius, the questioner, the jester etc. My question to you all is, which “personality” are you all and which personalities do you think other members of ILP fill. We shall see if there is any correlation in people’s minds.
My stab at “personalities” is:
Polemarchus - the wise elder
Smooth - ambitious entrepreneur
hermes the thrice great + phrygianslave the wise - court jesters
Gadfly of ILP - philosopher roadsweeper
bmw-guy - village idiot
me - fascist dictator
I have a beer stand that I set up near the courtyard where arguments take place. I roll it around from place to place looking for the most heated arguments. Dealing only in local beers, I use long stories about people that never existed to try to distract them and convince them to swallow a few gulps of Pride or accecpt the bold and honest flavor of Wise Ignorance. I never accept tips. If you really want to thank me just buy one for me- I can certianly use it.
Polemarcus is a good customer, he has bought me quite of few bottles of Pride to swallow down.
I’ll be ILP’s version of Donald Trump. Or maybe Mr. Burns? Actually I’ll be ILP’s P.Diddy. Yup, that’s me Puff Daddy. Telling everybody that I won’t stop, and consistently giving money to charities. And I’ll host a monthly talent showcase in the town’s square, where inbetween the ILP band, bikini contests, and public banishments, I’ll perform magic / mental tricks.
No! He would still be the Fascist Dictator but people just wouldn’t know, he has us the Moderators to control the media and as chief web designer I’d have to be the Minister for Free Speech & Truth. [size=75](O’how Orwellian)[/size]
What’s a philosopher roadsweeper? - As long as I’m a philosopher than I’m happy.
I’m the Gadfly ofcourse! lol
I think we’ve had quite a few real life village idiots.
We’ve had a few con-artists.
Some impressionists.
Alot of liars.
Some really great innovative mental entrepeneurs.
I know Marshall McDaniel was given Librarian, but I think we should add something with heart to his character. Him and I have opened up old wounds many times. He’s all heart (in a good way).
We’ve had gladiators, I think I was one of them for quite a while.
I totally agree with Polemarchus being a wise elder, though I wouldn’t call him a elder…yet.
I’m sorry, I’m not really helping this thread, but I can’t imagine any resembling personalities…I really can’t…okay shutting up!
You know, I would like to think that TMR is a neighborhood within this town. Maybe not very populated, but yet a neighborhood in this town. Here is something that I’ve made for the great dictator. I wanted to do something cheerful, or meaningful. But since I see ILP through the great dusty green, I’ve given this a more dark appeal.
Obviously I’m not expecting you to use it Ben, just something for you to see.
I really thought about the motto, 'I Love Philosophy, Do you?"
I didn’t know whether to put it as 'www.I Love Philosophy.com, do you?" or what. I don’t know.