if there is no thought, is there time? or vice versa

or if there is no time, is there thought?

premises, if there is no thought, how can there be time, there is no accumulation, time was just an invention created by human beings, or is it discovered by human beings? :unamused:

Time is simply change. Does the world move when I’m not watching?

I would love to believe you, but if I do that, then I am not changed.

Are images real, they can talk to you, when you are watching a movie?

Time is change and not change.

The answer is yes.

Time is a measuring scale thought up by human beings here on Earth.

If there was no thought, implying that thinking human beings or the like never existed on Earth, then, yes, the measuring scale of time would not exist.

Now if there were thinking human beings, there could be no measuring scale of time, as it might not have been created yet … or it might have been all but forgotten after the nuclear holocaust.

Regardless, motion, which is a manfestation of energy, would still exist, even if the scale we use to measure motion, time, did not.

If there is no time then all you’ve got is a static snapshot. Everyone caught in that snapshot is caught in whatever thought they have at that time and it persists forever (since there is no time).

yes, time is change, in fact it is chemicals in motion, to be purely scientific.

in fact i am working on a time travel theory as we speak. in my theory the existence of parallel universes is not possible.

It depends on what we’re actually talking about. If you mean the units of time, or the perception of time, then obviously there would be no time without thought.

Without thought (or observers) though, there would still be the things that label under time, such as motion, the second law of thermodynamics, causation, etc… Unless you want to grant solipsism, and then you enter a whole bag of worms.

I’m no physicist, but there have been several books written for non-physicists that have examined the fact that, in a mathematical description of the universe, time is a fourth dimension with no apparent vector. With no vector, time passing is just an illusion, and the past and future exist just as the present does.

I find this quite fascinating – it leads to the question whether the passage of time is just an illusion created by the way the mind interacts with and interprets the reality that is presumably “out there.” It could be that the Second Law of Thermodynamics is not a natural law at all, but merely a description of how the human mind perceives the world.

Of course, even if all this is true, it raises the question whether we should find this interesting. If humans are bound by the nature of their minds to interpret time in a certain way, does it matter to humans if that way is an illusion? It’s still “real” to us.