If You Had A School, How Would You Run It?

You’d have to convince others of any plans. You can’t implement anything alone.

And you hated on my idea, so I guess it is easy.

The parents have complete trust in you.

My two suggestions are radical enough, that it would take many people to agree to teach that way.

  1. taught subjects by ability or appreciation only

  2. promote critical thinking

…and they get to wear hats.

Then it will get off the ground, fuck!

What will?

The hypothetical school that is bound by no rules, only my fantastic imagination.

Hats for everyone!

You haven’t come up with one.

I kinda did.

“I would make it so that kids learn shit!”

That’s not a school. That’s a drunk guy at a bar.

Okay, the school is up and running. By you.

Now, in regard to a particular subject matter, what would be taught?

I sorta of answered the way in which the students would be taught, but apparently it didn’t qualify as school building. This guy pedro wants a brick count.


I will take a burger and some fries.

In other words, don’t try to pin his own “general description intellectual contraption” regarding the school that he would run down to any actual curriculum. Let alone what constitutes the right way to run it in regard to, say, the philosophy department. Teaching the art of “critical thinking” in regard to, say, this: ilovephilosophy.com/viewtop … 5&t=196717