IF you teach a monkey how to write;do they have human rights

Is abortion or euthansia consider to be murder?
Is death penalty cruel and unusual?

Where is america and the progression of civilization heading to?
The world of reploids , and talking animals? Like the cartoons.


I don’t think you realize how important your discovery is here, dan, or the implications of this theory.

If a monkey could right or still more, communicate with a human through writing, then the monkey would have as much dibs on the meanings of the words we use to talk about “rights,” as we do.

My god I’ve never thought about that. Dan you just helped me make a break-through.

I am indebted to you, sir.

Have you considered becoming a pet detective?

“That’s none of your damn business, Dan, and I’ll thank you to stay out of my personal affairs”- Ace Ventura

(after being asked by Dan Marino if he had a stick of gum)

Great line.

Whoa! :astonished:

I don’t understand. But yet I accept your graditude. :confused:

We are monkeys that write, Dan90210. :wink: I love your question- where do we draw the line?

If slaves learn how to be educated and learn how to write, then they have rights.

If black people learned how to be educated, and learn how to write, then they have writes.

IF and only if, animals can be educated and learn how to write, human like, I think we can see the future. Animals dressing up, playing detective.
Or, is everything I am imagining totally fiction and can never be true?

That’s wonderful! If my sig line wasn’t already so full I would definately add that one! =D>

“Animals dressing up, playing detective.” I love that! :laughing: =D> :laughing: :D/ :laughing:

They could certainly lobby Congress for them.

If you could teach an enemy combattant how to write, will Bush give them human rights too? (Well, i guess not.) :frowning:

I find the analogy very appropriate. Act like animals, be treated like them.

In an annoying, pet owner’s voice:“Does the little terroristy need his little nosey rubbed in his own little dookey?”


Do they deserve that treatment? I think so.

Does that mean we should treat them that way? Probably not. I think we should attempt to abide by our own laws (and those incorporated) before we ask others to respect them. This isn’t always possible, but we should make the effort.

I don’t know- we won’t know if they deserve that treatment until they get a trial. Sadly, it doens’t look like that’s forthcoming…going on years now. :astonished:

A trial won’t clarify things much in my mind – OJ didn’t kill his wife and Ron Goldman; Robert Blake was framed; and Al Capone, the only thing he ever did wrong was evade taxes.

I just don’t like attacks aimed at civilians; it’s a personal thing. I can accept collateral damage, but I want to see a relatively clear military target.

Sure, there are bad trials. But what’s the alternative- finding a guy that looks guilty and simply locking him up forever? I think it’s obvious that of all those being held in Guantanamo, some of them were just hanging with the wrong person, were mistaken identity or are just plain innocent.

We know for a fact we’re screwing & torturing innocent people. How about that Canadian, basically set up by the Canadian intel services & delivered to the CIA? He was beaten daily, whisked off to the middle east & tortured until he confessed to things he never did in places he’s never been. He was held & tortured for years! :astonished: Now all involved admit the guy never did anything remotely wrong. Geez, sorry about that! No trial, no miranda rights, constant beatings & torture.

Btw, I am talking about something ‘we’ did. I realize it sounds more like something Al Queda would do. [-X

I guess my point was (in both posts) that this debate takes place on two levels. That of the military personnell out there attempting to protect us, and that of the legal system attempting to ensure compliance with law.

As I don’t really trust the legal system to protect me, I’ll give those on the front line some latitude. But as a nation, we need to project the image of full compliance with the law.

What are you referring to? I probably know, but it’s flying over my head at the moment.

Yeah, we do. I think it’s understood that we’re gonna get our hands dirty in a war, and that we can’t always play nice. But there’s a line a civilized state must draw; to cross it means negating so many principles that it’s not worth whatever you think you’re going to gain.

Whatever you think about the “war on terror,” I don’t think it’s defensible to keep prisoners for years without trial- hell, without even being charged. I think it’s reprehensible to shanghi innocent men just because they have beards and torture them into confessions. Is this America or the Spanish Inquisition?

I don’t like to see this occur. But I also don’t want to see 10 bin Laden wannabes released because they have yet to commit their crime. They have full intentions of doing it, we just caught them before they carried out an overt act which made it criminal. 3000 times 10 is a lot of dead Americans. You know what I’m saying?

I don’t know what the answer is. But I know sticking to your principles can get you burned pretty badly when your opponent essentially has none.


I get the feeling you have the animal in you as well…it’s in all of US!

“We” go to a peaceful monitored country like Iraq and spread strife among it’s citzens for no just reason – on Bush’s hearsay evidence. It is we who are the animals on this estimation. To judge others so hypocritically is galling to me.
