if your life was a movie, would people pay to see it

If yes, what events or characteristics of yourself would make the big screen.

If not, how come?

I think so. I have emotional problems: Avoidant personality disorder. People like to hear about that stuff. It’s interesting. I don’t know if we could make a feature film, but we could definitely get people to watch a short documentary for Discovery or the Science channel about what it’s like to be a half functioning paranoid.

If I ever do something great with my life we could make a movie like beautiful mind, but I haven’t done anything that has had the scale of impact John Nash did.

On the other side, if my psychosis does me in or if I decide to do something that has a an impact like 9/11 or the columbine massacre, we could make a movie about that too and people would watch it.

You know I like to think I’m unique, but I think a good story teller can find something in anyone’s life to talk about.

One would have be strapped down to a chair, with nails through the sides to make sure they could not break away from the pain of seeing my life on film. The only way my life, as it is now, would make film is if what I described above was a part of the next rendition of the Saw series that everyone loves so much.
Ha, but if you made the movie of my visions, we could make quite the profit. If I ever become what I think about, people would no longer need movies to dull the boredom of this life.

I don’t think so. I’m a pretty boring guy. My movie would be worse than Gigli.

I doubt you’d even rent the movie of my life for $1 from BlockBuster. And yeah, it would be straight to video. :confused: The only chance you’d ever end up wanting to see it is if I eventually go postal or “off” someone important. :wink:

Although at least my early life could have been made into a decent porno flick. I did pretty well with the ladies in my youth.

I imagine a film about a guy sat at his computer writing on the internet about what his life would be like as a film wouldn’t sell particularly well.

Fortunately, I have a life outside of ILP. Sorta.

yeah, I think there’s been enough humiliation and stupidity for my life to make it onto the big screen, I mean a great deal of editing would be in order first, but when you boil my life down into its major events it’s one hell of a show

it’d be kind of like a modern day retelling of the myth of sisyphus, you’d get hooked into every time things seemed to be going well and then it would be entertaining to see how every time the ground inevitably falls out from under me

they happy parts are every time I get back up again

yeah, my life could be a movie, but it would be moderately interesting.

I moved to teh US from sweden when I was 10 b/c my parents where fundamental mormons. just that event in itself is intersting, but it isn’t hollywood interesting.

better to invest in another movie personally…