If you're a person who creates nothing/destroys nothing

then what are you?

I should say someone who creates little, or destroys little, for these are both a process of inevitability. But what I really mean to ask: what if you dont create anything of intrinsic value or beauty, like art. What if you go out of your way to refrain from creating, even if you are moved to do so. Likewise, what if you avoid as many forms of destruction as possible. And as a consequence you are never rewarded or punished for you efforts, because yours is one of no effort at all. You will never be immortalized in the eyes of your peers and you will never be condemed for your destructive ways.

Does this make you just a passerby on this planet? Does this waste your potential? And what of that wasted potential? Where does it go?

As a writer you leave the page blank for your entire life, knowing that you could of filled it in someway. As a singer, you keep your mouth shut, forever supressing your emotional uprising. To go a step futher, as a sexual being, you never feel the need to procreate or even masterbate. As a killer, you never harm a soul. Is one then acting as a ghost?

You might ask, why would someone opt for this type of life, but the answer is simple: the life opted for is easy. It’s also very selfish, since you consume all the beauty and the destruction of the world, but you take no part in contributing to the history of man, whether for the benifit or to the detriment.

How many people out there are like this, how many ghosts, how many phantoms will go unnoticed as neither a freak nor an important person?


Well I guess that all depends upon the personality or direction of the person. If you shift a pebble from its position you still have changed the universe in ways you cannot begin to fathom. Not all creatures are needed to be dramatic, some are needed to be quiet. Judging actions is not the best way to understand.

A person that moves a pebble from one spot to another could conceivably change the universe more than the person who discovers a total cure for all cancers or AIDS. Which one counts the most? Niether , they both did what they did, one is not greater or more than the other. Parts of a whole may be individual parts but, when seen as connected, each does what it does and the whole is complete.

If you say so . . . then I want to be a pebble mover. I dont think I have enough more to say or offer on this topic. But please . . . discuss amongst yourselves, as I must now attend to my pebbles.

On the whole, the pieces look great!

Hey, the red and green ones are mine, kev! Don’t you touch those!

I was gonna say something clever about how the red and green ones are instrumental to my changing the universal scope of things, but the truth is I want red and green ones just because you want them. They’re mine for the takin!

Thought you won that round did you? Well not so fast because the red and the green are important but, only if you use them. If I had offered the red and green you would not have greedily taken them. It was the greed and the action that was needed. You have done well, grasshopper.

True very true. You created a void, and I fell in. Don’t you just love a fictional tug of war. Winning it feels so real, haha.

But my greed has left me feeling guilty, so I will concede red and green ones to you. Do with them what you wish. Go ahead, build a christmas pebble tree. I know you want to.

LOL while laughing so hard my sides hurt. Void indeed! That is where the special tree goes. har Harchoke Har.

Now for the flat pebbles? Might I suggest the power of Tic Tac Toe and Othello? Tiddley winks will just cause a collapse over in the north quadrant of the Southern quadrant in the east section of the Western part of the universes

Whoa Whoa Whoa, with your Tic Tac Toe. Now that’s just going far beyond any honest pebble use. Can’t a guy just skip a few of them across some pond water, without getting all hot and heavy over a tic tac toe match, especially one that would probably end in a stalemate. I think we’re gonna need someone to mediate this . . . very serious sitiuation.

If I knew how pebble crazed you were, I would have planned to change the universe with a TWIG!

Noooooo, not the twigs, please not the twigs. OMG you have no idea! please play with the sticks and pebbles but, don’t touch the twigs. Those are the keys to switching entities around… shhhhhhh.

yup, that’s what I’m gonna do. I’m gonna switch the entities around. I’m gonna switch em and you’re gonna like it. This is final, Kris. You’ve painted me into a corner, and now i’m switching entites. I hope you’re satisfied. :laughing:

P.S. I’ve never been so curiuos to know who specifically I speaking with over the computer. I’m in a very playful mood today, and I would imagine that if we were in the same room, I bet we’d have each other laughing our silly heads off.

Ok you two…starters thse are not pebbles…they are marbles. I think you two are loosing them LOL

Ok…next please do not put the word killers and masturbate next to each other. People will think they shot themselves.

Now where was we? Oh yeah, One does not always have to ‘destroy’ to create. If one always makes were ever they have walked better place then we have created a better place for the future generations.

I agree kev I do believe we would be. :laughing:

Hah you can’t do it, since you are in a corner kev , you are surrounded by two sides, the switching won’t take. Hah! The twigs will just bend and tickle the entities. ROFL And since Raven’s moon walked in she thoughtfully changed the pebbles that are present into marbles. It is her marbles that will change killers into master baiters.

I will always strive to be a creative force on this planet. A fear of mine is dying insignificantly.

Interesting, don’t go for matyrdom, then. They may never be forgotten, but they are eternally ridiculed.

I really don’t care how I am remembered when I die, I’ll be dead, so I don’t suppose I’ll have any idea what they are saying about me, now will I?

Quite true, Pavlovianmodel146. I admire your take on this because it’s a feature of human nature to feel you are better than the rest of the critters on spaceship Earth. To stand back and say “hey, I don’t care how I am portrayed nor remembered” takes a bit of doing to mean it.

LOL I think that happens anyways. Or they get them a girlfriend in jail.

Hey flush what is he big deal about being forgotten? Seriously, what has you so bummed out about it.

To destroy something is to create it’s non-existance.
To create something is to destroy it’s non-existance.

-X x X= 0
X x -X=0

Everything is creating and destroying something all the time. People are no different.

Though I doubt you care. :laughing: Laughter is infinitely more interesting than the universe.

flush– I felt the same way you do up until a while ago. What changed? Nothing!..time, perhaps, but nothing else.

I think that passing by and observing are the ideals in life. I guess that creating and destroying work for some people, but in the end they all lead to an inevitable death. Sure, observing and passing by still lead to inevitable death, but what better way to undermine the meaningless world and it’s nature than simply reject ambition and indifferently observe the world?

The best thing you can do is observe and express what you observe… which I guess is creating… and then die.

I am secure in the knowledge that I like my ancestors will be but a passing DNA in someone. Thats cool. I am loved and I love. That is the greatest accomplishment we humans can strive for. Anything above that is Gravy or icing. I may die alone in a county facility eventually with no knowledge of me but, somewhere a bit of my DNA will survive even if it is as fertilizer.

But know this: If I die in an elevator you will know that I did try jumping up with the last bit of my will and strength or tried getting the largest human in there, around me to use as a cushion. :laughing: