ILP addict support group

now, everybody, take a seat in one of these chairs in the circle.
we will begin by introducing ourselves.
i will begin clears throat
“hello, my name is embracetrees, and i am…i am an deep breath ILP addict”



Sorry, embracetrees, but I have kicked my habit and no longer respond to these threa…DAMMIT! I did it again… :imp:

Fine. :confused:

Hi, my name is psyque and I’m trying my best to stay clean…what? No coffee in this joint? What the hell kind of support group IS this?? :imp:

relax now, psyque…
hands water bottle
we are here to help…there ARE people like you out there…thets see what others have to say…


grabs embracetrees’ hand as it reaches over with the bottle

HA! Gotcha! You’re coming with me, young lady. My last post was a ruse just to get inside. Now I’m dragging you AWAY FROM YOUR INTERNET CONNECTION! I mean, what’s more important to your life right now: Your exam or whether or not jingoists will ever see the hypocrisy of their words?

  • drags embracetrees out of the room, kicking and screaming * (sheeeeesh, you’re pretty feisty for someone with no caffeine in her…save some of that energy to back me up and explain that you appreciate my ruining my ILP vacation just so I can support you here, b/c pretty soon twiddle dumb and twiddle dumber will come prancing in, arms flailing, hearts a-twitter, and shouting “Liar, liar, bulging pants on fire! You’re not leaving, you’re not leaving…[now play with us sir…please?]” :unamused: )

The search is a search to be recognized by the Other. One may at times delude oneself that the search is for truth, but if ever one were to obtain truth, one could only know one attained it by the recognition of it from the Other.

We are trapped forever in discourse. Forever in search of recognition, though we simultaneously laugh at the notion that we need the Other to validate us, or truth–what a paradox. Forever, searching to communicate; to communicate on a real level, at the same time more than ever aware of our own isolation; interconnected while simlutaneously disconnected.

Searching for the Other to reveal our own humanity to ourselves.

(Yes, I’ve been reading Hegel, Jaspers, Levinas lately; oy vey indeed)

"Hi folks - My name’s Tabula, I’ve been an ILP addict for… [size=150]ARRGGHHH ! WHO’S GOT A LAP-TOP ???[/size] [size=200] I NEED TO CHECK MY THREADSSSS !!! [/size] "

[km looks around…… ]“Umm… not everyone’s here. I’ll go and see if I can round them up. Won’t be long.”

[km thinks: I’ll check my posts while I’m at it… oh, well, it will be for the last time…. ]

“Don’t let Adlerian take my chair! And tell him if he continues to scratch his balls or hog the floor, I’m outta here. Tell him to sit over there.” [km points to the farthest corner in the room]

[km thinks: Stupid posts like is what keeps us coming back. Doesn’t embracetrees get it? :astonished: ironic hey?]


ever wonder why they don’t have AA meetings in bars?


:astonished: I left yesterday. I (Sara) am gone. I have been gone Kaput… finito… terminando, discontinuez, stop, OVER!! It is the evil, chain-smoking, wild-woman Bessy who is drawn to this crap. Sara, on the other hand, reads esoteric novels, does yoga, plays classical sonatas, and is an elegant upscale, middle-age woman. Sara never swears or speaks to filthy internet strangers.

Bessy needs the outlet. So bring it on. :sunglasses:

For Bessy and Sara: The Patty Duke Show Lyrics

Meet Cathy, who’s lived most everywhere,
From Zanzibar to Barclay Square.
But Patty’s only seen the sight.
A girl can see from Brooklyn Heights –
What a crazy pair!

But they’re cousins,
Identical cousins all the way.
One pair of matching bookends,
Different as night and day.

Where Cathy adores a minuet,
The Ballet Russes, and crepe suzette,
Our Patty loves to rock and roll,
A hot dog makes her lose control –
What a wild duet!

Still, they’re cousins,
Identical cousins and you’ll find,
They laugh alike, they walk alike,
At times they even talk alike –

You can lose your mind,
When cousins are two of a kind.

thank you km for the song and the sentiment… I am in full denial.

btw- the photo in the other thread was stellar - and spot on, I might add.

I hope you remember Patty and Cathy? (the repeats, if not the origninals) :smiley:

I think we all have multiple personalities and I think its natures way of developing parts of our brains/personalities. For instance, we have urges to parent, then periods when we crave creativity, then to do something intellectual or emoctional etc.

I think a lot of people – like you – put stress on themselves because we are led to believe we should be one consitent, stable, reliable personality. I don’t think thats how nature works though. If there’s a craving, that part of your mind/personality needs stretching… go with the flow… stretch it, You dont need to keep apologising for it. Nobody else does :slight_smile:

As you mentioned, you have come out of a very long period of nurturing everyone else and parts of your personality are cramped up. Bess was born.

You son had an accident, and you felt the need to run back and bake cookies. Now it seems to have settled a bit, and Bess, the wild one, needs more stretching. Let her rip. I think the hardest part is the when one part is dying down and the other part is reimerging… it can be confusing because its not a nice gradual gear change but different personalities flashing on, then off. I hope this makes sense? :astonished:

PS You said your son’s fine (apart from the car and concern for his dog), so how’s his dog now?
PSS I’m not trying to be therapist here, the above may have missed the mark completely. Its simply how I see my own personality shifts.

Actually, I am finding that you may be the best therapist here yet. I think you are right, and I am just surprised at seeing myself on “paper” that’s all. We all have a lot of personalities, but mine were even a surprise to me. I have felt the need to be wild, yes, but now even I am feeling a bit ridiculous.

You are very wise… and you are right. There will be no more apologizing from me. I think it has been years of cookies and wiping noses… maybe this would have been great therapy back then!

The dog is in pretty bad shape. He had a terrible concussion, and many stitches, but much of it is emotional. She just isn’t the same dog, I’m afraid. I have been taking good care of her here, and give her a lot of love. It is all we can do. Thanks so much for asking.

I will refrain from anymore apologies for wild and wooly Bess, but there won’t be many more posts to apologize about. Thank you for seeing me through all this, km… it’s been fun guys!


Poor doggy… Thank heavens it’s wasn’t your son who got the worst of it. As I’m sure you’re aware, you could very well be nursing your son – and his dog could be running around the back yard. If that had happened, you’d be crying, praying and begging for the situation to be reversed.

When things like that happen to me, I imagine some spiritual entity (e.g. Dickens ‘The Ghost of Christmas Future’) showing up and saying he will reverse the future if I promise to really enjoy what I now have. Then I imagine a big [size=150]BANG![/size] as I’m dropped back into the present and, low and behold, things have changed. :smiley:

[size=84]This is the part where Bessy’s pushed aside and Sara takes over… churning out cookies by the score[/size]

It’s a corny and sentimental technique, but I think we should use any trick we can to help us enjoy what we have right here, right now and to its deepest levels.

Otherwise we tend to brush off our good fortune far too quickly, we miss the opportunity to really see and feel what we have right in front of us (often for the first time) and life goes back to a series of never ending wishing, whining, struggling and complaining – [size=150]Bah, Humbug![/size]

I realize now that I was only “addicted” to this forum when I was trapped behind a desk for 8 hours a day telemarketing and coming home every night to drink alone because I hated my life.

I hate my life a little bit less these days perhaps, though I fear it will never have much direction.

Good luck with your support group.

This place is pathetic. It is composed of a few general dispositions. There are the schooled ones who post only to be admired. There are the morons who post only to get recognition from the schooled one’s which they admire…but don’t learn anything from, which doesn’t matter because they didn’t come here to learn anyway. Or maybe they did, but soon realized it was all Greek to them, literally.

Now here’s the cool part. Nobody knows anyone else…yet still you go on spilling your hearts to strangers who aren’t here to play therapist…unless of course they can look schooled doing it and get some admiration.

Seriously, have you learned anything? No you have not, except that you are a miserable shit who either knows too much or not enough.

Look ya’ll, take a break for crying out loud.

Go away and stay gone for a loooooong time. You’ll like it…I promise.

And there was me wondering where Détrop had got to. Well - now we know. Our favourite existentialist swashbuckler seems to have lost a little je-ne-sais-quoi… Nes pa…?

Wassamatta D…? Tell us about it - give us a chance to look… Schooled.


Who died and made you judge, jury and :evilfun: executioner? :imp: Do tell? Need to get back on the prozac do we?

I be schooled!

I like therapy. I need therapy, and damnit - I don’t have to pay the big bucks… I couldn’t care less if I looked “schooled” or not. And if you think that you have all the intelligence and wisdom to tell an eigteen-year -old to go into crime with all your existential jargon (i.e. crap)- make me laugh. :laughing: :laughing: