ILP awards

I realise this is an act of futility, but just for entertainment.

I think ILP should have some type of (weekly, monthly, annually) grafted awards ceremony for some of the best material.

One I would like to see: ILP’s best one liners. It’s funny for two reasons, 1) humor has that effect, 2) One line answers to a number of deeply philosophical/religious/material questions juxtaposed against the haughtiness of a philosophical site is just hysterical.

Imp would likely take the award hands down, he just has that rapists wit, but I’ve seen some other commendable quips from other posters.

Yeah, this should happen, high entertainment.

Rapist wit? Do you not mean rapier’s wit? Umm wait nope, probably not , knowing you.

No, I was referring to Imp and his wit. Which in most instances, when he’s done with you, you generally laugh quite heartily, but still have a sneaking suspicion that you have somehow been violated. :evilfun:

I think I captured exactly what I intended to for the moment. :laughing:

that is why I said, probably not, :laughing:

So just start copying and pasting all the funny shit here. It’ll be hilarious.

Too many posts to monitor alone, and I only visit a few threads/fora.