Hoes be winning?
Apparently the book seems to think so.
We should all just watch virtual reality porn and snuff films and discuss their philosophical value. If we could somehow combine the two with Donald Trump we would be on the right track to start the most wondrously illuminating discussion in the history of discussions. It could be Huuuuge, you know.
Robert Greene’s book looks interesting. Does it talk about BDSM culture?
Someone needs to make a blowup blowjob Doll of this picture of Trump. That would put everything into perspective.
You should invent a website that makes blow up dolls custom with any face crudely printed on the doll. Like submit a picture of any face and you print those bitches and send em out on ebay or something.
If I am not mistaken such a website already exists.
It’s mostly about increasing your self power in society through psychological manipulation.
The biggest anticipated pornographical film of the year: Donald Trump releases a video of him and Melania Trump fucking in the Oval Office.