If anyone that is on wants to come hang out there with me, I should be on-line for another hour or so.
Who will step forward and experience the boundlessness of my mind combined with the freedom of real-time conversation?
Faust, Xunzian, MagsJ?
The thing is, the whole chatroom thing doesn’t work for me. Right now, I’m eating chocolates, playing SimCity Classic, jumping between this board, EDC Forums and the Survival Forum and reading the Atlantic Monthly. Just read a great book review. I mean the review itself was great. How often does that happen?
Oh, and watching MSNBC. Seems the Daily Show is in reruns until the first of the year.
Anyway, I’m in bed, typing with one hand.
Not good for chatting.
Where’s that roach, now?
Shit - forgot to disable disasters in San Francisco.
Let’s see if Fox News has Sarah Palin on again.
Oh look! She just got a raise!
I understand, another has decided to join me, though, so it’s pretty good.
I’m also big on multi-tasking Pav, so you wouldn’t have my undivided attention, as I do 101 things at a time…
ILP has a chat room?
Lolol, it must be so well-advertised, no?
I visited it once, a few weeks back, but it was empty - I may try again, one day soon!
Real-time philosophy talk - can’t wait!