ILP has a MySpace...

…it sucks, and is a work in progress, but the purpose of it is to get us networked in a new way, and ultimately bring in more membership. So, anybody who uses this new-fangled thing, you can find it by doing a search for my email address:

Search for that, and you’ll find the myspace. Start inviting us as friends, and apparently new members should start coming it. Some kind of sorcery, I dunno…

Anyway, actual links, ILP banner visuals, and the like should be forthcoming as I get time to spruce the thing up.

EDIT: In other news, if anybody has the know how to help me make the ILP MySpace not-suck, please drop me a line through email or PM, and we’ll talk.

WTF is a “myspace” anyways? :confused:

a marketing gimmick that attracts millions of kids to a website where they can open webpages filled with advertizing from big business and huge multinational corporations all to promote capitalism around the globe…



Precisely. So we’re in agreement that it’s a good idea? :smiley:

It’s not there.

Really? I just did a search for it, and it worked fine. Click Search, search by Email, and type in my email address, and there it is.

I just gave it a MySpace name of ilovephilosophydotcom. The URL should be

…or even just a free and simple site allowing people to make their own profiles, communicate with friends and meet new ones.

who pays for this? it is most certainly not free. you apparently aren’t familiar with modern lingo… anytime that people, meet and friend are used in close proximity to each other, it is a marketing gimmick - money has to be made off of the children to pay for this new advertising medium.

you’re saying that you’ve never come across links to “myspace pages” that are laid out to look like some teen girl’s page… but in fact are laden with crap about new cellular phones, ring-tones, albums, etc?
the couple of pages that i’ve looked at certainly don’t have anything about “you gotta check this out y0” no… they’re full of crap about how drunk everyone got last weekend. a couple were legitimate attempts to get a band’s name out and about (since mp3 seems to have fallen by the wayside).
all that myspace does (for the most part) is provide another place for children (referring to their mental lives, which expands the child population drastically) to talk about how much they hate their lives, their parents, school and abstain from thinking as long as possible.
that’s my shot from the hip… if given longer, i’m sure that i would develop something a bit better

Do you not understand the word free in the context he used?

What context? It’s able to come and go as it pleases?

Personally, I agree with Standard23 here.

As a musician I’ve had several sites on all those “free” places and let me tel you - there ain’t no such thing as a free lunch.

Typically, when one of these sites sells itself to a larger conglomeration (as Geocities went to Yahoo and went to Vivendi), one of the conditions in the fine print is that the buying company owns all the intellectual property.

That is, any ILP discussions or revelations on a myspace sites would automatically become the legal property of myspace. There is fine print in their sign-up saying they own the rights to use and profit from the music bands host on their “free” myspace pages. “Free” sites like this could be the most costly purchase you could ever make.

I can give you a hand, setting up a mysapce is pretty straight forwar,d I’ve done it for some free newspapers and bands: let me know!

btw, what is the myspace address? can’t find it on the search. Don’t keep it a secret.

What I really need right now is a way to link a banner off the myspace to here.

That can be done with basic html STUFF!

that link doesn’t work.


The link has been repaired.

The key to using MySpace to network this site is simply to try to acquire, “friends,” on MySpace. Most of the time, when you are allowing another MySpace user to be your, “friend,” you view their MySpace. That is where the majority of the people are going to see the ILP MySpace, it’s not something that people are just going to bump into randomly.

So, if you want this to work effectively, you either have to get on there and start sending out a crapload of friend requests, or change your MySpace password to something that you don’t normally use as your passowrd and give it to some of us so we can log on to the ILP MySpace and start sending out friend requests. If we do that, more people will view our MySpace page, thus more people will come to, thus our quote-toting, philosophical, over-analytical, evil yet good (even though we can’t even agree as to whether or not there is an evil or a good) army will be amassed.