ILP... . ... I_heart_U

To my Friends, fellow thinkers, nerds, pimps, hustlers, coffee drinkers, chess players, Trekkies & Star Wars buffs, ILP lovers, women admirers, TMR members, BMW-Guy, Ben, Magius and Polemarchus…

How is everyone doing on this fine cyber day? I hope everyone is fine, or at least breathing easily. I, on the other hand, am not doing so well. I have just been released from hospilization and am recovering from injuries incurred during some training. But besides that I’m alright. I should live to tell the horror story, but I’ll probably be… well it sucks put it that way.

I haven’t been online for… wow… a while now. Maybe a day or two prior to my 24th birthday in mid-October.

Beamer, my email still works. I think… yeah it should.

I got some good news though, I got promoted to the rank of Corporal! Freaking finally! I’m now a Non-Commissioned Officer and rate to have a sword with my dress uniform. Yeah leadership is cool, the pay raise is also cool. But the sword is better!!!

After I recover I should be back to my usual self. For now I’m under orders to just relax. I’m even not allowed to do magic, not like I can hold a deck a cards properly anyways. So I’ve been practicing a lot of Japanese, working and playing Halo 2.

But I still wanted to say I have a lot of love for ILP, there is too much to catch up on here. Keep up the good work.


I just found out that Trix has left this site.

All I have to say is that the topic in which she was reffering to has to be the most ridiculous topic. What a stupid reason to lose such a great person. There is a lot of emotions behind the topic of racism. And I’ve noticed that a lot of people don’t realize that they are racists. But I don’t think that outright racism still exists. I think there is an anti-cultural feeling with a lot of people.

I really wish I had the capability to outline my opinion in a very intellectual manner. That I can do a discourse on how dumb it is for us as a global society to stop this immaturity. But I can’t.

I wish I can say how much it hurts to see the names of my friends appear on the recent Killed in Action reports from the casualities in Fallujah. And still explain that I have no hatred towards the Iraqi or Arab people. But I can’t.

I am almost moved to tears thinking of the chain of events that have unfolded since September 11th, 2001. The immense loss of life that I have personally, first hand, have experienced. And with traveling around this globe and being involved with ILP, I haven’t grown no more hatred towards my fellow man. The reverse. I have grown to love all of you even more.

Racism? Think about it. For those that stated that African Americans should be happy that they were taken from Africa over to the states. Think about what you are saying. The words you utter hurt another person. Same as discussing the Holocaust with someone of the Jewish Faith and/or lineage. Like discussing the American advance towards the west to a Native American. Like discussing the Zionist movement with a Palestinian and an Isaralli. (Sorry for my spelling).

It is so easy to label a person racist, instead of ignorant. We are all fucking humans and I really wish that we can all see it. But that is the same as saying that you can’t judge a book by its cover.

A person can say I love Philosophy, but I really don’t like what Descarte says. Isn’t saying you love philosophy including Descartes thoughts? I love dogs, but I hate Pit bulls. I love sports, but can’t stand football. Do you see where I’m going with that?

Good bye Trix!!!

Smooth! I’ll try to email you early this week (i happen to be exceptionally busy this week, so try to be patient). I have a lot to tell you.

Congrats on the promotion. I’m sure you deserved it! Great to here from you! I must go now…very busy at the moment…I’ll email you when I get a chance. :smiley: :smiley: