ILP Sex!!

I am:

  • Male
  • Female
0 voters

Sorry, not what you think. :laughing:

The last couple days I have noticed several members come out with their sexuality, and those I had been assuming were males this whole time were in fact females. Something about the subject matter, I suppose, leads me to such an assumption more often than not.

Iā€™m just curious: whatā€™s the male/female ratio around here anyway?

lured me in on false pretences damn you!!!

iā€™m female

Well, feel free to talk about sex as the natural subtopic for the poll!


yep,i bet this thread will get alot of hits. but iā€™m glad its not just a ā€˜hit testā€™ thread. iā€™ve seen 2 thus far, and i hate those types of threads.


i am male by the way.but i thought that would be easy to deduceā€¦?

Very clever, Daybreak. I have a feeling that this thread is going to get a lot of ā€œviewsā€.

Yeah, I thought so. :wink:

Wouldnā€™t youā€™d like to know. :slight_smile:

Hm. Fine. Be that way.

What sex do you think I am?


Good job, Daybreak. =D>

Iā€™m female, BTW.

A few members assume Iā€™m male. #-o

Oh well. :slight_smile:

I find thinking women to be especially attractive.

Can the females here say the same about their male counterparts?

crosses fingers :wink:


Yay kittie :slight_smile:

Whenever I get those polls things, that ask
sex: man 0 or women 0 check one.
I get confused because I am a man who wants women,
So should I check the women box because I want women
or should I check the man box because I am a man.
Its all very confusing. I mean they ask about sex: its
clear the question has something to do with sexual
practices, but they arenā€™t too clear what aspect of sex they
want. Information, advice, pictures, suggestions?


Go with women. Just this once. Liberate yourself.

I believe thinking men can be very attractive. :sunglasses:

How often do they find their way into your life? I mean, arenā€™t they rare when compared to the sheer number of men who are all cheekbone?

Well, in my experience, finding a thinking man is somewhat rare.

Iā€™ve come across thinking men who are highly appealing, but they were usually interested in the ā€œnon thinkingā€ women. :wink:

Alright, Iā€™ll say this much, Iā€™m attracted to women.