I find ILP polls:

  • Annoying
  • A complete waste of time
  • Better than reading the trash on ILP
  • Strangely sexual
  • Other (please describe)
0 voters

Your response is important to us. Thank you for your participation.

I did that purely for effect!


You definitely need to get back on the meds…

I think some polls show what the slice of people that would be interested in a message board like this might like. I like them, I like making them, and I love voting on them.

So you’re the person who checked ‘strangely sexual’… just for the ‘effect’?

km, check your poll… :laughing:

You sick puppy. [-X

Thanks. It’s rare that I get compliments like that. :wink:

Mine was other because it was patently obvious that sexual was going to take the ribbon especially since the poll is yours KM. :laughing: Oddly enough that is what drove me to this poll, the fact it was yours. :sunglasses: I was not disappointed. I love the underlying effect you have. If a person does a poll it infact gives you a clue to their ticking, that is why I enjoy the polls here it helps you see the person that creates them.

OK so I rocked home with a few too many glasses (‘half full’ if anyone is interested in the other poll) of alcohol under my belt and wasn’t expecting anyone to take this post seriously.

I just thought the idea of people taking a poll to record how much they dislike taking polls was funny (you had to be there, I guess)

Maybe I should have made the options a little less subtle (e.g. annoying, waste of time, unnecessary etc) or maybe I should have just sobered up?

I might have to do another poll to get some feedback.

Smooth, your choice surprised me. Of all the people who I thought would get ‘strangely sexual’ pleasure from checking boxes, I thought it would be you? Never mind. I add a “I love Japanese girls with big tits” in the next poll just for you.

Kris, you and Tent, have me worried. It’s always the quiet ones they say and “they” are right…

On behalf of the poll organisers, thank you for your co-operation. We value your input at ILP and hope you enjoy your stay. :smiley:


You were drinking? :astonished: Sometimes, it’s hard to know the difference… :laughing: oops.

You forgot the : We’ll keep the light on for you part. Did you know that that guy that owns Motel 6 is an author? his books are good, very good.

You might think its hard to know the difference but I’m often told, the difference is in the hardness. :frowning:
In my case, it’s a big difference.

Speaking of drunk…

Kris have you posted in the right thread… or the right website? This isn’t Oprah’s Book Club, you know.


nahh you just said enjoy your stay and that motel 6 commercial popped into my head then I remembered we have a couple of books written by him. The guy writes very good funny books and right now I am not going to search for his name because yes, I have had a couple of beers and blast if I am going to look through 4,000 books for one guy. but, I think you would like him KM. right up your alley.

Cool, I’m bound to love anyone like me. They’re my favourite people.

(PS We don’t have Motel 6 down here)
