I'm back on youtube!

My identity!!


My identity; second video!!


Stupid People!!


Post on selfishness!!


Justice for humans…


Got to tell you ec, to me, being the man in the mirror, the man in the middle, the man with a dimunitive lower caste ‘m’, my thing consists somewhere in-bet-win an outright narcissist or a hidden psychopath: vis : i, meno_, herewith, me, no- in-gly, in full possession of my senses and reason, declare myself to be a full blown masochist.
The reason I get along with you and your views is because I am the negation of what is described as a narcissist, and that negation in another form of
reasoning can displace a psychopath, but with the
added implication of an internalized and attached naïveté.

In other words to me pain and pleasure are really not inversions of the same feeling state, but in actuality
are sourced in identical sourced receptors. This is based a a newer study, which can be cited on request.

Therefore, if neurotransmitters react to dopamine as responsive to both-pleasure and pain stimuli, the difference between the states would account also to various modes of feeling-mood variances.

In fact, it would try to dampen, the either/or type arguments which have developed into a sense of a theatrics, an attention grabber motive for the publication of the Utube segments.

This analogical display, may enhance further publication, which begins to shape a new intent based on a plateau of gaining recognition, but I do not believe, this was the original intent.

Finally, absurdism can use any motive for its progression, whether it be an unintentional or intentional attention getter. It really does not matter, except by implicating the opposite to gain such attention.

Finally, who ever said attention has to be gained through meritorious, or absurdly undeserving means, ? Trump is a prima faciae example who disclaims the difference.

Therefore, until otherwise proved, Ec., is right with the times.

Why Men Hate Women!!


My Best Video!!

BTW If you can figure out who I really am… I’ll give you a dollar!!!


I really, really want you all to see this video, so I quoted it!

This is my how to make money video!
