im drunk right now. it feels so funny. i think maybe im not that drunk though but , i dont know, its funny and i love you all very much so kisses all around and i wanted to say peace love and goodwill uh uh uh mmmm
I"m swedish right now
it would be funny if u git naked
no but naked people like to fuck
who wants to fuvcjk
he said goosbye and nmy world sarts tumbling down cause i lvove him always
he loves me but he wont adnit it
do you love me
who loves me
so we all drinkkkkkk kots of dribnkkkkkk
I think the idea is to go out and drink. Y’know - sociably.
Spaz. Send us a boob shot.
no its cause hthe stuff it makes me gonna hump
have u ever had drunk sex?
Yeah. Usually the girl I’m with throws a phone book at me by the end and leaves in a frenzy.
I think this ICE person is a mental case that’s between the ages of 13 and 17.
I think she’s a headcase OR between the ages of 13 and 17, (. . . preferably not 13) and not both. Presence here- partially the result of chatlines requiring fees.
I’d suspect a troll, but she lacks that guile and “get everyone in on it” attitude. Old_Gobbo, you have exquisite big breasts!
You saying there’s something wrong with sitting at home drinking pint sized cans of Special Brew? You fucking bastard, you, you’ll pay for that, I’ll fucking tell you what’s what, (knocks can over and starts sobbing) - you’re my best mate, you are, you know that, you’re my best mate. You can’t get along in life without your mates, you know what I’m saying, and you’re my best mate. Best…
Special Brew…? Special Brew…?
Oop North wi stay int 'ouse an drink our oown piss fermented wi treacle an pesticide. Aye, an wi call oorselves looky to ave the privilege too, thars sum poor buggers oo av to drink ald sperm and bog-role cocktails stewed fa three weks in a leper’s keks.