Ok so Im like totally confused, cause like ok theres like right wing republican people and then theres like left wing democrats right? So then like, I dont know cause like they hate each other and stuff right?
Cause like, the republicans wanna not give so much to the government and then the democrats wanna give more to the government and help poor people more through funded programs and stuff right?
But then like, how can you hate the republicans? And how can you hate the democrats? Cause like arent both of them equally right and wrong? cause like how can one of them be totally right and the other one be totally wrong? So like, isnt it really just dumb to be one or the other? like people act like one or the other is totally evil and make their jokes but then how can one be totally right and the other be totally wrong, you know?
A nice valley girl presentation, and yes, you’re right. But be careful, thinking for yourself can be dangerous to your health. You’ll scare the boys, alienate your family, get B- when it should have been an A, and the "in’ crowd will be both envious and hate you at the same time. Ask faust. The boys refused to date him and he didn’t have a date for prom…
Mind-control mentalities vs Understanding & self-determination.
Conform vs Be Unique.
What’s dangerous are the god damned idiots who worship their TVs.
As to why it is a crock of shit. Riddle me this. Why do Hezb Allah and Hamas fire their Stalins Organ/Katyusha rockets in civilian neighborhoods and then retreat? So when the Israeli’s stike, civilians are killed, thus justifiying a reprisal. Of course the people who fire the rockets, their family is safe far away. They engineer the intentional deaths of thier own people!
Also, why do terrorists in Iraq capture random westerners like contractors who are trying to rebuild their country and reporters and aid workers and then behead them? How does that make them morally equivalent to the doctor in the M.A.S.H.?
If you can still believe in moral equivalence after watching this video, you are a lost cause.
Nicholas Evan Berg (April 2, 1978 – May 7, 2004) was an American businessman seeking telecommunications work in Iraq during the U.S.-led occupation of Iraq. He was abducted and later beheaded in May 2004 by Islamic militants.
DH - I’m not sure I get your point. Each side has a strategy, which is in part dictated by their relative military strengths. These tactics are dictated by the strategy.
The rocket-firers are also playing the world opinion game. They have little to lose by this. I’m not sure I grasp the moral issue here.
A telecommunications worker gets some press, and the hope is that it weakens the resolve of the US - which is known for weak resolve. Again, this is just a tactic.
This is not moral equivalence talking, by the way. I’m just wondering why you think our moral code is so good. The people we are fighting see us as an imperialist power. It’s hard to argue with that. The reason for imperialism is just those economic opportunities that the telecom guy was pursuing.
Holy shit! Did you not watch the video? I think that’s the problem, you’re not watching the video.
Yes it’s a tactic but it has nothing to do with military strength. They’d do it if they had their way and were in control of Iraq. We all know that the American colonies were militarily inferior to the British forces but still didn’t go around cutting of people’s heads with rusty knives! There’s a little something called rules of engagment. If the terrorists in Iraq were only targeting coalition and Iraqi forces instead of their own people, they’d have a little more respect. But since most of the casualties are their own civilians I might respect them on an astronomically small level.*****************
Okay, but there simply is no universally accepted set of rules of engagement. Again, this is not moral equivalency, but differences in military tactics. The British were similarly appalled by the american’s guerilla tactics.
edit - yeah, I watched it. I’m not saying I liked it. But they videoed it for a reason.
Again, this is not moral equivalency, but differences in military tactics. The British were similarly appalled by the american’s guerilla tactics.
It’s not even a military tactic! It’s a strategy to demoralize. The military tactic that they use are striking and retreating into the shadows, blowing yourself up in a crowded market place, or leaving a bomb and running away. American guerilla’s did ambushes and retreated. Took prisoners, but treated them humanely. The british did not appal the American tactics. They had disdain because they were used to fighting on a big open field or from behind thier fort. They were not used to getting ambushed and when they turned to shoot the enemy was gone.
These tactics are not immoral. They are smart and usefull. People dislike these tactics only when they are on the recieving end because they feel helpless The terrorists use roadside bombs, suicide bombers, car bombs, and beheadings of civilians. Like the mother and son who were found with thier throat slit for cooperation with the troops. If the terrorists in Iraq fought more like the Taliban does now in Afghanistan, actually engaging the enemy in combat, even if it is only for an ambush, it would be different. But since terrorists in Iraq routinely target civilians, there is no such moral equivalance between Iraqi terrorists and American guerillas.
You must understand that there is a cultural difference.
Arabs still live in the middle ages, and in that time, Europe wasn’t as civilized as it is today. People were beheaded and tortured, the morals were different.
Yet Europeans continue to attribute their high morals to the middle east. You can’t do that. If Lebanies civilians are killed, Israel is immedietly condemned. The world must understand that middle east has its own rules. You can’t be moral when million of savages want to murder you in cold blood.
For the arabs, the murder of innocent civilizians, even if they are of their own country, is a legitimate military tactic, they don’t respect life as we do. Americans care more about lebanese civilians than the arab world, even tho they desperately try to make it look like they care.
Wake up people, they just use the western world and its hippie generation of cowards for their own purpose - to create a medeival Islamic empire on half of the globe.