Apply more salve. Immerse yourself.
Even if you know it will hurt.
You are loved.
Apply more salve. Immerse yourself.
Even if you know it will hurt.
You are loved.
I agree, this time absolutely.However, there is always room for getting a closer image; without breaking aesthetic rules.
But at the rate things are changing, one never knows.
Apply it to what it referred.
Yes, that’s the hard part like an elephant in an enormous room
What better way are you referring to?
the cross
There is truth in everything that speaks to the soul, but you have to sift true from false or you’ll accept a Trojan horse (hides lies inside it).
So, how does one KNOW that what they SEE as truth is actual truth and not just some form of belief that is not real but just delusion? How do we know that what speaks to our soul is “real”? Some believe in the devil and believe that the devil can mislead, master of the lie, speak and show in such a way that seems to be beautiful and true and comes from God.
Is it that easy to perceive what is real and true and not just something which we want to see to make us feel good and free and knowing?
Arcturus Descending:Ichthus77
I love you” could not be said a better way.
What better way are you referring to?
the cross
Oh, I thought that you were referring to how WE go about saying or showing I love you.
Take up your cross ring a bell?
Take up your cross ring a bell?
It sure does lol. I am doing it these days. It is kind of difficult to know when we are loving and not loving…when loving someone more than ourselves is actually taking up our cross and not just a form of masochism.
We have to give each other freedom to mess this up because that’s the only way those subject to time can smooth off the rough edges.
p.s. not more than. same as. open to correction.
There is truth in everything that speaks to the soul, but you have to sift true from false or you’ll accept a Trojan horse (hides lies inside it).
So, how does one KNOW that what they SEE as truth is actual truth and not just some form of belief that is not real but just delusion? How do we know that what speaks to our soul is “real”? Some believe in the devil and believe that the devil can mislead, master of the lie, speak and show in such a way that seems to be beautiful and true and comes from God.
Is it that easy to perceive what is real and true and not just something which we want to see to make us feel good and free and knowing?
Just saw this. If you hear something contradictory, burn it with the fire of reason. Real love will always withstand.
There is truth in everything that speaks to the soul, but you have to sift true from false or you’ll accept a Trojan horse (hides lies inside it).
So, how does one KNOW that what they SEE as truth is actual truth and not just some form of belief that is not real but just delusion? How do we know that what speaks to our soul is “real”? Some believe in the devil and believe that the devil can mislead, master of the lie, speak and show in such a way that seems to be beautiful and true and comes from God.
Is it that easy to perceive what is real and true and not just something which we want to see to make us feel good and free and knowing?
Just look inside yourself.
Are things not the way you want them to be?
Everyone can do this.
Answered you here, Ec … 2#p2878012