imagining the tenth dimension

Neat stuff.

Interesting, but I find it hard to understand other’s theories of anything beyond 3-dimensions: as it is hard to prove/facilitate???

Well the 4th dimension is an easy one. Granted you can’t see it per se, but you do experience it.

Like a drag racer on a track traveling in one dimension (aka the 1st dimension), you, me and everything else is traveling in the 4th dimension not from point 1 to point 2, but from 1 o’clock to 2 o’clock.

I don’t get it. You allready need 3 dimensions to fold that paper. It never was 2 dimensional.

I stopped watching when it started going on about multiple possible paths in time. I think that’s bullshit.

isn’t this just a paradox of understanding???

We as threedemntional beings are limited by threedementional graphs when explorring mathmatics. Yet, it’s obviously isn’t.

All we can do is try to picture out things too deep to understand. Thus, string theories are just a mental representation of what is really going on. Yet, since mathmatics is a measurment of the medium of interation, it doesn’t actually have the capability of picturing reality. All they are really measuring is the aspects of interaction.