
this week has been very immature with me and my friends and i’m looking for ideas of stupid immature things to finish it off with. like calling papa john’s and saying “one pizza please!” and hanging up. so what are some favorite stupid things you do (or just think would be fun)

first of all, i think making up stupid childish pranks is a waste of time and brain power. why would you want to do something so stupid as prank calls and such?

I wonder if Jesus ever made a prank call?

The only objective “maturity” is when your body reaches readyness for mating. Mental maturity is purely arbitrary.

“…One’s lack of maturity is never evident to those who are immature…an immature person just sets the bar of maturity at a level low enough for him to acheive easliy…”

~ Stephen :smiley:

thoughtprovoker has never made a prank call, has he?

now come on, people, i’m looking for ideas; preferably illegal, like waterballooning cars or something (i know it seems like my imagination is wide enough that i don’t need ideas but these are ideas we’ve used before that we will never almost get arrested for again)

You may wish to adapt the following to your particular circumstances.

Scene: Christmas Day, Jesus College Cambridge. The Porters Lodge.

Telephone rings. ‘Hello, is that Jesus?’.

Reply. ‘Yes’.

Sung. ‘Happy Birthday to you, etc.’.

You only get to be young once. What one person calls immaturity, another calls fun. [insert another proverb showing that having fun isn’t immature here]

Anyways… One of my favourite things to do is go to cougar bars and get old chicks to buy me drinks, then get some hot young girl to pick me up to put them in their place :stuck_out_tongue:

If not that, there’s always the option of buying a map from some city far away from where you are and asking in broken english for someone to point you to a certain landmark on the map. Then pretend not to understand when they say that the map isn’t right. If they try to leave, throw dirt at them and call them “Sons of female dogs” in broken english. Be creative.