what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object? these absolutes are impossible in reality, but by no means impossible in theory
what’s an unstoppable force? what’s an immovable object? define these and you’ll have the answer.
or we could avoid aporia’s requirement by saying a “quantic annomaly” happens. before you ask what’s that, make sure you check with apo tho
and yes, i agree with aporia…define the two…
alright, say theres a train that cant be stopped and a train that cant be moved. the unstoppable train collides with the immovable one. what happens?
are you particularly dense ?
a singularity ! you can picture it as two universes diverging at the point of impact, one of them having the unstoppable stopped, the other the unmovable moved. you can picture it as a great explosion. you can picture it however you want. that is the point. when two incomnpatible rules collide the result is a singularity. a case de lege ferrenda for the universe.