Importance of Religious Beliefs for Young People


Im writing a paper about religion in the life of young people. I need to compare things between Switzerland and the USA and since the USA are far away I need your help!
Do you think that religion is big part of the life of youth from the age of 13 to 19 years?
Do they attend services regularly?
Do they live according to the rules of their denomination?
Maybe you are about this age or you have children…

Thank you for your help!

These are questions you need to research. Asking individuals will give u a small, very small window into this question. I don’t even know if you can find the answers to the questions you are seeking, but if you are going to, you need to do etensive research and find credible sources which will help you out. You paper isn’t going to be good if you base it on things people said in a philosophy forum.

Here is my take. I think that it is important for a youngster to have spiritual beliefs. However, I don’t think it is necessary for a youth, nor anyone else, to congregate. Being spiritual and being religious are completely two separate issues.

As far as your questions:

I think most youth between the ages of 13 and 19 do go to church.

Do they follow their church’s beliefs?

I don’t know. I’d say that some of the beliefs they follow and some they don’t.

“Religious” and “religion” are not neccessary words.

“Teachings”, “beliefs” & “ideas” are a far more accurate term.