I’m not really so much interested in attacks, but I would like to know in what way “god and prayer” being in school fixes the problem.
Google search moral decline in America, and you will see how it is causing the problems. It did not happen overnight. We tolerated the decline. We have something missing in our hearts. We need to fill that hole. Children need acceptance, structure, guidelines of right and wrong, core of beliefs. Discipline starts at home. Teach them god, religion and prayer, so that they may grow to respect themselves and others. Now there are born murderers, robbers and evildoers. We need to elect officilas that have morals and prevent these evildoers from doing harm again.
As I said, if the teachers must have weapons in school, let them use stun guns.
Well, no offense here, but I’m not sure God bestows morals on anyone.
This sounds more like a case for “good parenting”, and I can’t argue with you there.
I’m not sure God, religion and prayer allow these things to happen.
I’m not sure it is something that can be “prevented”. A stun gun is a nice thought but it has a limited range.
response to shinton-
of course i agree with the fact that some goals just seem like dreams-i think (and hope) most people understand that if we could fix the people we would, but in the mean time you need a gun in the here and now to protect yourself.
i guess i just question the violence of a gun…you know, the nature of the weapon itself. people always say that if it weren’t guns that are killing people, it would be something else…but why does everyone need a gun?
i think that if there were a serious problem with people being beat up with bats, those who want to protect themselves wouldnt carry a bat around to be on an “equal playing field” (at least i wouldn’t) - i would want a gun. but guns are crazy - guns aren’t bats, they aren’t knives, they aren’t brass knuckles - just one slip of your finger and life can end. how many times do you hear about kids getting into the kitchen drawer and accidentally stabbing themselves or siblings to death? a little harder to do than getting their hands on daddy’s gun and playing cops and robbers.
i think the problem, from my end, is that i wouldn’t mind guns at all - im not against guns for protection, hunting, or just the fact that you dont need a reason at all to have one…its america after all. i just have a problem with the people who have them, you know? i know a ton of people who are responsible, rational, and caring people who rights get kinda shit on when they just want a gun to protect their families - and i understand that. but anybody who has a bad judgement, slip in rationality, or something else happen to their mindset for just an instance can really do alot of harm with a gun - its scary to me.
so i guess in the end, sure guns are safe in the hands of the right people, but even the right people can mess up and have it end tragically. where do you draw the line? if it wouldn’t be guns, then it would be somethin else, right? well why not let people have grenades, chemical bombs, or sniper rifles?
the logic is the same, if its not guns, its somethin else - so if were gonna let everyone run around with a gun, i say let everyone run around with nuclear weapons attached to their belts because we would all be in a safer world - who would mug me then? who would shoot me then? well, i’d think you’d be surprised what kinda fucked up people there are in this world.
Well, essentially, I’d argue that because without one, if someone has one and uses it, you’re as good as dead. A gun confers a very large advantage.
I know. That’s why it is better to have them available than not. As long as they exist and bad people exist, the only protection we have are good people with the same advantages. Otherwise, if all the good people say, “Hey, we don’t want guns” and the nasty people end up with them, well then, the good people are over a barrel. This is a rather old argument, but the logic does hold true. Law abiding people will abide by the law.
I hear of it often, and it is a pity. It is just as much of a pity for kids that get hit by cars when on their bikes. An accidental gun death is actually a bit more preventable than a car plowing into your kid on the street. Irresponsible people need their asses kicked whether it be a gun or a car.
Right. This is really the meat of the issue in my opinion. My view is that these sort of unstable people can just as easily get a gun if they are in schools or not. The question becomes what do you do about unstable people? I’m of the opinion that you can’t cure them very often…so the best you can do is protect yourself from them should a situation arise where you are faced with one. That might mean killing or hurting them pretty seriously.
Well, people do have these things, actually, but I think your point is at what point does an arm’s race end. The answer I think is that in an arms race, you can never really draw the line. Personally, a gun is enough of an advantage as far as I’m concerned.
I wouldn’t be surprised, I suspect. I’m not saying having a gun would STOP people from attempting to mug you, but it surely would put a dent in their plans. Although it sounds brutal, guns could very well equalize society. If bad people impulsively keep trying to mug others who aren’t and consequently die, eventually the numbers should even out.
Guns as a part of protection. Usually when it gets to that point, people already are dead.
What percent of gun crimes are commited by drug addicts? Or even against drug addicts. In schools? Sociopathic traits? They learn that they are isolated from society, and society only brings them down from being free. The kids at columbine probably had no click, and were publically humiliated,… instead of a clif lip like the movie red dragon as the thing highlighting their isolative perpetuation.