In search of intelligence...

This tread i start as a respect for intelligence!

I will now maybe provoke a little!

For me a average human being very much resembles an ape in the way he thinks and acts, my suggestion is that you dissaprove this by posting something quite intelligent here in the tread, who will deside what`s intelligent, anyone really. challenging each others ideas reveals new ideas and knowledge. To sitate a dead person from a earlier century is not intelligence of your own!

I don`t expect any replies on this post really? But I might be suprised.

Anyone have anything intelligent inside their mind? prove it!

I will post my own genesis here just to get started:

At the exact moment of genesis there was:

1)“abso. intet”,“potential”
2)pure coincidende"begins"self-creating existence"
3)“potential” becomes eternity/infinity

Why is this intelligent?

Only you can tell!

If mygenesis doesnt make any senseto you, ask me to explain or try to understand it through its post “A challenge of mind”

At the moment of genesis, there was potential, presumably the potential for anything to manifest itself. By pure coincidence (chance) a self-creating existence was born out of this potential. This self-creating existence, due to its self-creating nature, continues to feed and perpetuate itself indefinitely, and thus is eternity/infinity. This is the transformation of potential into infinity.

Define “intelligence”, and perhaps we can emulate what you desire to see.

Thats what it says, thank you, Its quite simple, actually for me, i can describe the occurence of genesis with 4 words, but do you understand what “abso. intet” is?
And do you see my intentions by choice of words,numbers and their position, there is quite a lot of work behind this!

An intelligent thought that inspires an intelligent act that creates an effect whitch result in more intelligence! At least for this thread!

What is abso.intent?

I believe that’s very much the case, though perhaps not in the way you do. To understand humanity as nothing more than but another species of animal goes a long way toward seeing the ‘big picture’ (if only from a secular or naturalistic perspective). What are we if not apes that happen to be host to this thing we call ‘reason’ and ‘intelligence’? This is not an attempt at profundity as much as it is the stating of a simple fact: any attempt to understand our species as something ‘more’ than this is rather silly.

Not that I disagree with your aims, but we should be careful to distinguish intelligence from sophistry. To me, intelligence isn’t so much the result intellectual effort but the process by which you get those results. I.e. you don’t have to have loads of knowledge…but you’d have to be forever questioning, forever analyzing and essentially undaunted by the quest for truth/meaning whatever tickles your fancy.

On the other hand, holding dogmas without questioning them, accepting prima facie everything that gets handed to you… that’s the antithesis of intelligence.

the sun will rise in the east…
