In the future, will dinner be replace by supplements/pills?

Will it be replaced by pills and supplements, as the world advances into the ideal world, that of star trek, star wars, where cars can fly?

Its a quickie? So don’t be too philosophical.

I rather doubt it. We need not only nutrients like vitamins & minerals but also protien, carbohydrates and fats. We need fiber (or roughage) to aid in the process of digestion and this requires bulk. It’s hard to imaging how a complete, balanced and healthy type of food could be reduced to pill form, and that it could sustain one indefinately.

There are concentrated tables & bars developed for military use that are somewhat close to what you describe. But they’re not meant to comprise your only sustenence for extended periods.

And the pill doesn’t seem like it would satisfy for psychological & emotional desire to eat food. Perhaps some neurochemical?

Anybody know how people survive when in a coma for years ?

Just a thought.

[ Edit : … D=Novartis

Some of these are powders which you could compress into tablets,
but I think it works out around 100 grams per meal [dry].

If you can swallow that many tablets, you might as well eat. :confused:

Maybe when one day, technology is so advance, the animals would be extinct. No more meat, for all the land are cultivated, no more grass for the sheeps. Perhaps, huge insects lieing in the corners.

Until that day comes, lets enjoy slaughtering animals and exploiting them.

they might taste good but that’s one hell of a battle with yourself.

Factory-processed are low-quality for the body.

the whole jetson’s food-pills thing is a shitty idea.

I think this is an example of unwelcomed change. Either way, I don’t really give a fuck how I get energy to do what I do (which isn’t much lately). I think technology is too far behind to replace food entirely, though.

For a meal to be complete one must experience the texture and the flavor, as well as the nutritional qualities of the foodstuffs.

Food/meal pills just don’t make sense.

maybe pills will work if the pill expands like a sponge in the belly.

oh brave new world, I just hope they don’t get rid of greesy pizza and big mexican burritos :smiley:

. . . oh, I forgot cheesy french fries.

yeah, I’m such an american when it comes to food. :laughing: :laughing:

Dan~ is definitely right here. while pills may be able to feed us one day, it most definitely won’t be nutritious enough to live a healthy life.

consider that vegetables carry in them thousands of phytonutrients (of no caloric value). every single time that one of these are isolated by scientists they turn into the next health fad. problem is, the body needs these phytonutrients in combination with others which pills generally don’t do.

hence, pills won’t be anywhere small enough to shove thousands upon thousands of chemicals into it that our body needs for good health.

but to survive … as in a coma-like state, sure, pills would do just as well as an IV that provided a carb/protein/fat/vitamin mixture.