Incel Culture

I’m afraid if I watch that then I wont get laid as much.

never happen, dude. with the money you got, you could be an eighteenth century ballet dancer and you’d still find a walking blow-job on every corner ready and willing to let you buy them dinner.

besides, chicks love martial artists, and if you think about it, jiu jitsu is not entirely unlike the kama sutra. what with all the take downs and guards and submission holds and grappling stuff, you might as well be having sex. in fact, some of that stuff might be quite useful during sex… especially if you’re with a chick who likes it rough. put her ass in a choke hold or an arm bar while you’re hittin’ it, know what i mean?

Ok I’ll watch it.

A girl that I occasionally bang sent me a message today asking what I thought about her trying to get a job as a professional cuddler.

Check out this shit right here.

i would advise her against this career decision if i were you. there’s a darker side to the industry that isn’t openly talked about, and i think people pursuing a career in this field should be warned in advance about it.

kimberly (bless her heart) had the courage to come forth and share some of her experiences working as a professional cuddler. imagine the horror she must have felt; you’re getting a meager $80 to sit with some dude on the couch for an hour. you take three seconds to reach for the TV remote and when you settle back, you notice not only that he’s now gazing precariously at you, but that a boner has been issued forth underneath the fleece blanket. what was kimberly to do?

these are the kinds of things that aren’t talked about, man. … it-1814294

I just assumed it was a front for prostitution and that no one would sign up thinking that they were actually just going to cuddle.



You’ve just pretty much advertised that site… is it yours?

While sexbots, and universalizing sex care would help prostitutes, and some incels, it’d only help incels who just want sex, it wouldn’t help incels who desperately want a long term relationship, and only a beautiful woman would do.
They have to help themselves, either by improving or accepting their lot and making do, and some of them are unwilling to or beyond hope.

Of course women, and men for that matter don’t owe anyone a relationship or sex, no matter how much some incels try to convince themselves they do.
While we should be careful not to demonize all incels and their communities or violate their free speech, the cults need to be surveiled, and the violent ones locked up.
That goes for radical feminist, misandrist cults too.

Actually, they do.

If all a woman ever talks about is how great you are and how much a jerk so and so is, and she fucks the jerk but not you. She fucking owed that to you.

Take off your pussy whipped gloves and smell the real world.

As I’m sure you know, there’s much more to attraction for most women than just being a nice guy.
No one owes anything to anyone except during a financial transaction or where they sign a legal document explicitly saying they owe you x, y and z.
People have a right to change their mind, to not know what they want, or how things will be taken.
That’s how civil society works, what you’re talking about, where we walk around clubbing people over the head because we figure they owe us this and that, is barbarism.

Nope. If I’d thought of it first though…

If a woman for all eternity only talks about how horrible a man that she sleeps with is, and only states about you how they wish that man were like you … she owes you sex.

The United States is economically imploding and the price for pussy is way too high. Far as the eye can see pussy is over-valued at hyperinflationary prices that most men cannot afford along with female bloated egos, hence the rise of male incels.

When the United States economically implodes the price for pussy is going to go way down where young and older pussy will meet firesale discount prices where a majority of men will once again be able to financially afford pussy. You will financially be able to afford pussy for pennies on the dollar and I for one am looking forward to this future state of existence.

Women everywhere will be performing fellatio on street corners starving for a can of beans, that’s the future and it is beautiful.