Infamous Psychologist

On a news article I was reading a psychologist’s report on someone in court. ( The person was accused of murder.)

In describing psychotic behavior he mentioned these as the symptoms:

  1. Cunning.
  2. Manipulative.
  3. Pathological liar.
  4. lacked remorse.
  5. Irresponsible.
  6. Failure to accept responsibility.
  7. Promiscuous sexual behavior.

:evilfun: :laughing: :stuck_out_tongue: I am failing to see what is problematic here.

Can somone here show me why this is “unnacceptable” and “wrong” behavior?

I think it’s the context in which these attributes are applied that makes them inappropriate.

In what way?

If you’re a cunning and manipulative liar with no remorse who acts irresponsibly and refuses to recognize it in order to have promiscuous sex with consenting adults in a culture where it’s not considered to be a terrible immoral act then I think it’s ok. Also if you act out these things for a justifiable end I think it’s fine. God created lies and manipulation so that we could use them for good. It’s up to you to decide whether to use them for evil.

If you’re doing these things in a way that contradicts my interests however, then they would be wrong. (That’s just one example, I’ll think of more.)

I am just pointing out how all of these things are ridiculous and how the accuser bases his positions on the grounds of idealistic metaphysics.

( Pie in the sky.)

The things I mentioned on that list are relative and there really shouldn’t be an accused in the first place but leave it to moral idealists along with their immoral acts of dictation in hypocrisy to say otherwise.

What’s not relative?

Why then are people condemned, imprisoned or publically executed in the name of relativities?

Because everything’s relative and that stuff’s just gotta be done?

Gotta be done? Why? :slight_smile:

I think it becomes unacceptable because the general concensus of why something is unacceptable is when their actions impact negitivly on other people. But as you think the idea of society is a foolish one I can understand that this would mean nothing to you.

Because surplus is man’s greatest ambition. Even if there were enough food and money for everyone in the world to live nicely, the people with the most power would still hoard the money and the food so that they could have the security of a surplus, because in being powerful, they can. Nature determines the balance of power.

I don’t think it’s right to superimpose a psycological visage of a single person over another to determine morality.

Would you like to live in a world where everyone was manipulative liars? Wouldn’t you rather live in a world were the norm was to me honest and you didn’t have to question everyone and their intents? Do you also want to live in a world that in in shambles (polluted, ravished,) because no one takes responsibility for their actions and everything is someone else’s problem? It would be alright if i came to your house and made a mess and then not take the responsibility of cleaning it up so that you were stuck with the job. Your are being factitious.

Manipulative liars are everywhere already.

In most countries we call this good capitalism by the systemization of deception.

( Truely this is the world built by economical game theory.)

So you don’t see any problems with capitalism…that’s nice…now why don’t you actually answer my questions?

Of course I see problems with capitalism.

However what I am saying which you are refusing to understand is that men are naturally predatory by nature.

Agonism is the biological nature of many animals who are predatory.

Joker, lets examine your argument:

  1. Joker doesn’t see a problem with manipulation or lies.
    2.Joker thinks that capitalism is nothing but manipulation and lies.
  2. Therefore Joker doesn’t see a problem with capitalism.

Furthermore: Why do you refuse to answer my questions?!? And the OP does not mention any thing about predatory behavior or respect of conflict, it mentions these things:

  1. Cunning.
  2. Manipulative.
  3. Pathological liar.
  4. lacked remorse.
  5. Irresponsible.
  6. Failure to accept responsibility.
  7. Promiscuous sexual behavior.

but again,you are changing the subject…
Lets resolve my questions, then I will move on to your other ideas.

All the behaviors I listed are predatory instruments of achieving goals and becoming.

Some of the traits you listed may be beneficial to a predator and some may be used by predators, but that does not make the inherently predatory instruments. Those traits have even less to do with agonism. Oh well what do I know…still waiting for a response to my questions…

They all revolve around conflict and conquest. ( Predatory behavior.)

( Agonism is the belief that all of life revolves around conflict.)

Deception is also a form of predatory behavior.