Some time ago, I posted a topic asking if non-existence was a concept that we could really understand. My position was it was so riddled with self-contradiction that it was in the abstract not sensible.
Now, after reviewing some Greek philosophers like Anaximander and Euripides and I am beginning to consider the idea of existence as being eternal. That is, that existence has always been and never has it not been so. Let me explain.
By infinite existence I am going beyond the Standard Model of quantum mechanics that affirms a point of non-existence in the form of space and time emerging. But I am talking about something that is immaterial as eternal. Before space and time there was always the possibility of those very concepts. And that’s enough for me to say: some form (sounds like Aristotle here) was eternal. The idea of eternal existence at first thought is as paradoxical something coming from nothing a la the Big Bang theory. But if we accept this, my own philosophic view is augmented: existentialism. If space-time pops into existence from a non-existent density or singularity isn’t it just a cyclic form of an eternal concept that has always existed? I mean the concept. Don’t tell me concepts exist only in the human mind, please! And if the concept has always existed, then it’s clear there is no meaning to existence. You avoid the theologic questions of who made it and why. You dispense with it. So, I want to believe like those ancients that some FORM has always existed.
There are problems, of course. We need to know a start and end. All of reality tells us there is a start and end. If there is something that has none then there is no artificer and leaves us cold. Without a point of reference or a way to reason about it. If there has always been some something then no anything made it, right? But, mathematicians are used to this. We know that there are sets that are infinite and have strange behaviors in the large, like being bigger than themselves. We know, (if we’re not non-platonists that is) nobody need discover this for it to be true. So, why I thought can’t existence itself be subjected to this idea?
Of course, physicist don’t like this idea at its heart. If BB is just one cycle in an eternal stream of existential forms, then all that they are discovering now could be wrong. But, hey I’m not trying to tear away at the body subject of QM or even Gen Rel. I am trying to find a way to believe w/o that awful God concept.
If I believe that some form has always existed, then it seems to me like at first sight like being a religionist, argghh! They are faced with a problem, then they point some scared text or that Word of the Supreme Being to explains it. So, if I believe there is a form of eternal existence, I am too saying don’t explain how space and time started? But no, no, no and no again I am not. I am saying existences are within an external form. This form has always been. It maybe just the concept itself, but it is. I am working on logically formulating this. A form of eternity, I think it would cut thru some much misconception about reality.
Well that’s my 1st draft. Comments welcomed.