Initial personal opinion of Trumpism

Well that’s not the biggest surprise, is it…

Sorry, but why should China… or any Nation, bend to the will of others? that is so yesteryear and primitive! Aren’t we all in this thing called life, together? The four corners of the Earth would be nothing without each other, but it is only ego that keeps saying otherwise.

Funny that, in that I started self-identifying as Hybrid ; )

Humans were always on the perpetual-move… never stagnating, always originating. Who ever said to do otherwise… :-k

MagsJ said:

“Sorry, but why should China… or any Nation, bend to the will of others? that is so yesteryear and primitive! Aren’t we all in this thing called life, together? The four corners of the Earth would be nothing without each other, but it is only ego that keeps saying otherwise.”

Very true. Why should they"?

They really shouldn’t even begin to try, but the minute they adopted goulash ideology, or goulash capitalism, they incurred the well expected wrath of neo-Kantians , or those who lacked an equivocation between social capitalism or national socialism OR their original divided categorization, failing to realize the way they tried to reconstruct the original: " let’s make it great again " cliché.

No way that anyone of moral of even immortal stature can do that, such euro revisionists have only become caricatures.

So they should have. stick to their religion, communism, and Putin, an old foxy KGB man sees trough the calamitous deception

In fact, and this IS a std
retch, the gulyas hybrid capitalism was unfortunately coined my a much older fox communist president .

The ontological dilemma we are facing today, is just as toxic , as before Husserl/ Heidegger came around to reduce the conflation existing , in tune with that environment for those particular reasons, still prevelant.

Is this essential Hegel commensurate with the phenomenal Marx?

To sort through that unsaturated mass of bubbles, one would need to reinterpret Das Sein in order to suit one’s fancy. That relative search for meaning entails the inescapable nigilism, that everyone appears to be suffering from.

To categorize, in nominal terms such affinities corresponding to party line, that can help form seamless identifiable borders, appears to be a transcendentally based projections , where thesis appears to moderate for antithesis, once again

Essential constitutional elements can not be voided, only augmented. Such augmentation uses present structural efficacy to put extra muscle on the skeleton, as it were, and reductively, the muscle develops to accommodate the use of individual bones.

That is why it is most probable , similarly, that it is not the characters within the plot matter as much, as the unfolding plot that uses them to accomadate changing structural underpinnings of what seem to be below the accountable.

In this sense, the characters are mere metaphors to major archetypes, diluting the existential -phenomenal threat everyone is so worked up about.

In this sense, even if Trump’s China Syndrome is right on the money, it is inconceivable that a sustained war could crassly be fought , ever since the de–facto Indo- China domino defeat since the 70’s.

It is conceivable , but more likely it was in limited contexts, and other developments included as many players as were elected from the time of Eisenhower, all the way through Nixon through today.

This is why, party line and who gets elected appear as herd deflections of Red Scare , and the prime reason for it, is the one of acquiring jobs to those who can most convincingly represent that state of affairs. -What that state entails, is again a product of assumptions Marx may be interpreted as transcendental rather than projectially accountable, reversing a bubbly mass of phenominal possibilities toward the essential definitions which abound all around.

I think policy issues regarding China’s growing influence in the world can nit change. regardless of whose job it is, as China’s influence became of pivotal concern at the time of the impeachment.

That IS the single central policy issue facing the world, and everything else takes a back seat.

Has anyone heard of Trump’s claim of a dramatic build up of military assets to fight UFOs and Aliens?

I think with what has been happening down here, it’s time for some major drama to happen.

If not, someone may get the idea to invent one.

Well that’s the most exciting News I’ve heard in a long while Meno… and what if it’s not fake news?

Our small planetary bubble is part of and inside of a much larger universal bubble, and anything can go down in that… as those of us with a broader sense of self, will and can already imagine and know.

The immaturity of the human race could be their undoing and failure to advance and progress, to a more rightful place of an epitaph… amongst the stars.

If its not fake? Well, then that question will haunt us forever, and maybe better left that way, only our lack of decisive will could shadow in an adjacent bubble.

in which that knowledge arose , as well
and slide through such bubbly stuff as any vain or artery can glean,

Dont worry babe , we are ALL groan up.

Every single one of us, except maybe…


So far-----

Connecting some dots:

Now Trump is setting himself as electible in 2024, since he successfully consumed the Republican party, instead the other way around. He allows no dialogue, or concession of the Biden win, and allows no exit strategy, which simulates his lack of any prercievable entry mandate

The question of logistics is determinate here, as the shift between the conceptual dasein and the phenomenological das ein OS left conflated, creating the emergent unknowns of progressive or regressive projections.

That said, an about face, of power motives presents the opportunity to transform blame or, praise, as long term possibilities are realized , so as to assure the progression from democracy toward fascism.

That is the rationale for sustaining capital, once social-democratic institutions fail to support it, and it goes beneath the social realism which Marx and Lenin so topically tried to substantiate.

None dare? To call it a conspiracy?

Fractural possibilities, which can not afford the dissention of partially derived nonsense brings up primary questions such as:

If there be civil war, will there be repeat of cessation , 2 presidents, two capitals, or will the White House be subdivided?

Or the hidden conspiracy of Christ’s return be supressed, ?

Until and through the problem contended by Rousseau/Hobbs, of wether people must relegate the ‘herd’ into communes , or insist on the Bill of Rights is finally asserted, so that absolute Good be not compromised, again…

And there are loose ends such as participating on mystical levels.

But let’s take it singularly

The Bible is a contradiction Meno:

Christ states that he will return, but states before that, that he will send for someone GREATER than him!! But Christ is the one who solves it (not the person he declares is greater than him!)

Quite the contradiction there. But then again, the Bible is a fucking contradiction all around!

Agreed conditionally, EC.

St. John as messenger to Christ, then Christ also a messenger

To whom? Well my continuos flow, betweem Joshua in the Old Testament, to Christ in the New, makes spiritual flows coincide with the idea of recurrence between the quantum me no festation 'between the old idea and it’s simulations relevant.
That said, contradictions effect the direction of the flow, where the relative ( relational) contradiction may not be 90. degrees off betweem axis.

Therefore contradiction is relative to ‘opposing’ flows.

There for the Old and the New Testaments are only relationally( relatively) contradictory.

Here is the goods!

The covid IS a bioweapon!

It is a 'conspiracy, long in the planning to avert nuclear holocoast, and the reason IS an astounding diminution of reason, whereby world society will loose their sense of individual identity, whereby conflict of the ultimate kind becomes a foregone conclusion.

Genocide is the lesser of all evils, that Descartes’s evil genius predicted.

The digitalization of the economy can surely attests to the oligarchic control of the social new order.

Hello 1984!
The whole covid invection is to wip populations into a frenzy of panic through the virus, and other means such as 5G, so that masses will oblige to buy into survival through pseudo social-Marxian presumptions.

The identification of dissent will be controlled, as through mass psychosis, toward will individual branding; and through other methods.

Let’s face it, mass psychosis, resulting in individual bedlam is inconceivable, …

but probably the only way to save this dying planet!

Trump failed , because in the final account, he did not measure up as a true acting boss of apprenticeship.

Therefore. , the social myth is the only way AI can lead us trough to a workeable NWO.

Signed : the breathless blade runner.

Or not?

What no one seems to understand about Trump up to now, is the fact that his ideology is not contrived from a vacuum. It was an unavoidable lack of procedural method, that let it seep into sensible and asserted understanding. Trump was expedient to forge a representation of political rights based on a European built transposition of an inversive ideology.

That the optics of that counter position, led to the sought after pseudo dialectics , culminating in the same struggle, that was keenly appearant to no other than Mr. Adolf Hitler.

This is where things stand now politically. a struggle between the material versus the ‘pure’ dialectics of appearent political substance

There is a lot of inequality, loss of control, loss of jobs, loss of homes, destruction of communities, fear of difference, fear of Islam, fear of crime, fear of real change.
All the whilst this has been happening the flames have been fed by a right wing media who have pointed the finger away from the deregulators, away from the cronie capitialists, away from the sharks of sub-prime, away from the pirate capitalist, away from those “rationalising” the job Market by exporting jobs to China. AND who have pointed the finger at the powerless, young black males, at gays, at trannies, at immigrants, at lefties, and in a vauge way at government and government rules - the establishment.

Who did they turn to? What choice did they have? Hilary, seemingly obsessed with identity politics, and fearful of adressing the failure of capitialism.
The only alternative. The bigfatstupidorangebabyman, inarticulate, anti-intellectual, rabble rouser.
People like a good hagiography. So the bigfatstupidorangebabyman got deified.
But he had nothing to offer, and offered nothing

I agree with this, the pseudo ideology of a tainted and unaffordable ecdnomic reality, affording little in the realm of redefining the tainted correspondence between the economy of real national identity with the abstract ontological ideologically lost process of varient measure: between national and international perimeters; have ceased to link again into this smaller microcism of regional ( state) and national measures.

As the US experiment-sample has recently foundered, a measure by which the prior European
model alternates with, and around which they serve into an experimental synthesis, the modus incidentally interjected into by Russia, long having prided It’s self as partly a member, interestingly playing the Same game with it’s Asiatic neighbor, China, has come far from the days of Peter The Great.

China is very Zen like in it’s approach , and it’s dialecticallu dubious connection to the Soviet Union , has always tiptoed this metaphysical ideological line, with which It was much more familial .

Familial father than familiar, by virtue if it’s social irganization, far less adept at incorporating social change on it’s own level being distinctly more derivitivd than this old Stalinist Russian one, whom Marx did not at all expect it to be applicable.

I agree to a point. Identity politics seeks a fall guy.
It needs the middle formula to format around it larger scopes of accountability. Like liberalism filling about both sides, with religious tolerance and economic reality filling them. But religion is mostly about the sin of LUST, (lusting after money, sex, and just stuff)-> all in the form of Freudian economics/real economic social philosophy. So yes, as I said before over and over, I am very sorry fof Trump as a scapegoat, as he is fighting fof his life now, yes sorry for the scapegoat Trump, who was obliged by his silly previous ventures by his handlers=holders of great debt , to act accordingly

It’s rather simple really

Reverse. The republicans are narrowly natianolistic in a social setting, enclosing the identity politics on an iron maiden, wherein. Capital within bounderies only survives, up a d down the paychisocialogocal spectrum.
That middle one connects the two ( into 1) leaving the duplicitous agent to unite them.

Socialism and Capital are not absolutely ideological opposites, theor synthetic neiKantism h a been obvious from the start.

It is another word for national socialism

And if the focus on psychological identity remains all bets off

The ideological Moebius merging the two surfaces into one- , the synthetic, leaving the other one to split into new antethesis. The whole structure represented by many triangles forming one at top and many firming one straight base.
Course, the whole functional value curves around to form the orb. Of the sphere.

Trump"s strength is in the internal contradictions that appear politically most straregic, while Capital seeks it’s base in an uncertain crown…

After the fall of international political nauvete, the serpent raises it"s dragon head.

Needs dramatic editing. But essentially it makes sense in toto. Got to put it back to the burner for some more simmer.

Can a NWO liberal approach be tolerated world wide, ?

Answer likely to be, no up to now, since a directionless, egaletarianism world lead by the greed of consumerism can not be tolarated by the pudding in the proof kind of reverse , trickle down mentality.

No one dares to exclaim: that diminishing returns are not exclusively indexed by declining rates of interest, but general apathy caused by inaccessible conflict ressolution is also signified by a downward spiral.