Ink-Blots and You...

This thread is dedicated to LiquidAngel’s new Avatar… :wink:

Anyway - Analyze your personality, if you have one, with the all singing, all dancing Ink Blot test:

Take it away Mr. Rorschach…

[size=75]Note: It’s a give your e-mail adress to get your results set up, Tickle don’t spam much - but if you’ve a specific address for these kind of things - use it.[/size]

I’m some kind of sexually-driven demon apparently… :astonished:

The test is frankly a bit long and boring: So if you can’t be bothered here’s the blot I liked the best:

:astonished: What do you see…? :astonished:

I see a vagina… AGAIN! (one can only wonder why Tabs lliked it best :unamused:)

No doubt someones going to say “how do you see that?”… “I don’t know how on earth you could get a vagina out of that?”…
All I can say is I pity their poor wives/parners… “what’s that honey?”

PS Bessy, if you want to be a popular girl, say it looks like the virgin mary making an appearance outside the cave at Lourdes

I forgot what I picked for that particular ink blot, but my results were (from about 7 - 8 months ago)

“your subconscious mind is driven most by Peace”

now that KM told me what he saw in that inkblot I can see that as well,

but I also see a dragonfly.

I see a pogo stick that has just splashed down into a puddle of water that has some blood in it.

They didn’t have what I saw on a lot of those inkblots – I feel so under-represented.

A vulture…

…with big ears, I guess.

My subconscious is also driven by peace…which is nice :slight_smile:

It seem’s I am also some sort of subconcious sexual deviant.
Big surprise there…

Er… What’s a vigina…?

it’s a cousin of twot…


I give the ink blot test a lot, and this isn’t it. It must be some unique creation of their own.
I will have to check it out though.

Atleast he didn’t say ‘virgina’ – …not that I hear that alot… :laughing: …but I’ve definitely heard it.

I think it’s cute when guys don’t know how it’s actually said/spelled… like they should /stay/ that way… hehe.

Given the subject matter, I interpret this ink blot in the following method.

The red symbolizes life, love, hate, ambition, and passion.

The black symbolizes death, restraint, impurity, and sickness.

The top red image represents the spirit of the above description - a bird or something, trying to escape the hell below it. It is however still only trying to get away as the place where it is flying from has tainted its wings, signifying that once touched by corruption, we are tainted by it never to forget or heal from it completely. The red in the lower portion of the ink blot represents those who tried and failed, thus falling back into the hell from which they have returned to. The red right outside of the red in the black on the bottom portion represents what is lost after the failure.

In a sense, this ink blot to me is represented by a saying I use from time to time.

[size=150]The way out is through.[/size]

I see a whirling dirvish.


an angel pisses in the pit, and a man sits on the piss

[resisting temptation to point out a contradiction in a previous post vs. what that poster had written much earlier…also resisitng temptation to be any less vague/cryptic…]

When I discuss the Rorschach ink blot test in class, I always get one student who sends me to this site. For the record, it is NOT the real blots and the fact that it’s MULTIPLE CHOICE totally defeats the principle of such tests. But it’s all fun…

:blush: i am NOT telling anyone what i see… :blush:

LMAO… :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: Now if you want some real ink blot test material, that’s it!

I was thinking about the ‘vagina’ mary at lourdes and the two must have collided. :blush:

Bad sign…VERY bad sign, embracetrees…

jk :wink:

I see a moving motorcycle (from the rear).

Results from the website:

Xander, your subconscious mind is driven most by Curiosity

You are full of questions about life, people, and your own potential. You spend more time than others imagining the possibilities for your life — and you’re open to things others are too afraid to consider.

You have an almost physical need to know and do more. It’s only through new experiences that you feel a greater understanding of yourself and the world. You also have a rebellious streak that shows up when you feel unable to truly influence the world or circumstances around you. Your appetite for novel experiences also shows an openness others don’t have, but wish they did.

Your psyche is very rich; the more you learn about it, the more you will understand who you really are.

Oh well, time to fess-up and tell you what Tabula sees…
[size=75][not too happy about it actually][/size]
Anyway, when I was taking the test I saw almost immeadiately…

:astonished: …An Angel blasting apart two babies. :astonished:

Ever since the birth of Tab junior, I’ve had horrible dreams off and on, about the poor little monkey dying - the worst I remember was terrible because it was so mundane…

I was out walking the baby in the pram, when I stopped on a slight slope to talk to someone (no idea of who) in front of a tall building, and the street was cobbled. As I was talking, the pram started to move. I carried on talking because I knew I’d be able to catch the pram without a problem. The pram started to gather speed and I remember I apologized to the person I was talking to before running after my son.
I didn’t catch him. The pram went into the road at the bottom of the slope and got crushed by a bus.
I saw my son, then no more than 6-7 months old, cartwheeling out of the pram and getting squashed by the tyres in that awful dreamtime full-colour slow motion. I woke up believing he was dead.

Strange, because in real-life I’m not a quivvering wreck who hovers around the baby constantly in case he falls over… I’m more of a - “Well, falling over/getting the sniffles is all part and parcel of life and everyone will live happily ever after in the end” kind of Dad.

I dunno - any of you out there with young children had simular night-terrors…?