Information exchange is mostly a sort of brain-conditioning, a habit-forming, or acquired repeat. This is very cultural.
Once you stop this process, or reduce it, through years of hermitage, you could become more of a self-mind than a trash-can. That is to say, creating instead of being created by the low quality spirtings of the mass media and the old, outdated languages.
Forms of stress, or anger, can also be habit forming.
They are addictive due to the releases and brain chemistry, eventually resulting in some persons becoming what I’d like to call:
“olikos-nothos” [ ολικός νόθος ]
Also known as the “complete asshole” or “ubber bastard”.
That’s right, even harmful, useless or destructive patterns can become repeated, or “perminent”, because even forms of irritation can become addicitve. All it needs is a little bit of adrenaline-rush. That is to say: A sense of danger/trouble.
That’s right, humans are addicted to trouble-creation.
Trouble-creating forms of media are also addictive.
^Drama is the perfect example, of un-necessary trouble-creating, which humans take in, constantly, in the mass-media.
If you put a group of pigs into a very small pen, for a long time, they would eventually get sick, because they would have to breath in each-others feces, etc.
^Said case is ni pandemical.
Most of human “talking” or “opinions” are also excratory, like vomit, urine, shit, etc. You name it! Digestion and logical reduction are forms of destruction. They break-down and absorb only tiny portions of raw-input, and then, they release the rest, as a form of poison.
Eating shit is toxic. Don’t do it, plz.
Things such as touch, smell, “first hand experience”, I could say, are “whole foods” for the mind. whilst the [usually uninformed] opinions of others, are actually toxic excrata, that will damage the mind and retard it [though this is often confused with ‘self control’].