Every single day I am forced to be deal with local insanity; a great deal of my fellow teenagers are easily and by far insane.
Take Charlie for example.
Charlie and I both have grown up in a medium sized town with no dangers or troubles that are violent in nature. Nothing besides a bunch of intoxicated teenagers.
Charlie comes from German, French, and English blood. His hair is a dirty blonde and eyes are a sky of blue.
Charlie walks down the street with a radio to his head. “I’m the baddest homie yo ever done see…” eminates from the speakers directly into Charlies skull. His pants are hardly hanging onto his legs. His t-shirt advertises the logo of a beer company that makes “40’s”. He has paid at least as much attention to his shoes as a woman does to her facial make-up.
- I shall mention here, for the sake of truth in comedy and what repressed feelings can contribute to, that when I was 4 and Charlie was 5, he tried to kiss me and made further homosexual advances on me. Save to say, that for the rest of his life, Charlie has held a special hatred towards me for rejecting him. -
Anyway, the point is this: Charlie, now the age of 18, is insane. He has convinced himself that he is a “hard mothafucka” from a tough neighborhood. He has become so concerned with his image, of what others percieve of him, that he has fooled himself into being a stereo-type of a “homie”, “gangstah” etc… He has even gone as far to claim that he is part black.
What I want to know is this: How is this boy now a mans age any different from the fellow in a straight jacket claiming that he is Jesus Christ?