Insult Swordfighting!

This is now the officially pointless insult swordfighting thread. Those of you who have played any Monkey Island game would know what I’m talking about. For training, go here:
For information on the, uh, sport, go here:

Your arms have the consistency of raspberry jelly!

Example reply:

You’re a cretinous mold and a lot more smelly!

Blah. You make it up completely? Must it rhyme?

Start again.

It just has to be clever. Rhyming is clever. Playing off the first poster’s insult is clever. Stating “You’re a dick.”, or posting a giant picture of DEA seized pile of cocaine, is not what’s desired.

You, sir, are going to hell!


“postcount +1 lol!”

Clever, see?

And your nether’s consistency is the same!

Nether? Good one.

Let’s see…

You’re too dumb to tie your shoes!

At least I know how to put them on.


Boss gets a point.

Boss, you want to start another one, or should I? The first one doesn’t have to be clever. Just the response.

How’s this?

I would like to see Sam and Max do a cameo on Happy Tree Friends.

How bout I construct my own rules and make you abide by them you little fools


Okay. Sam n’ Max on Happy Tree Friends. That’s not exactly an insult, is it? Maybe I don’t know my material, though.

how bout this…

you prefer to bum Sam over Max at maximum capacity

Okay, can’t you guys just play the frickin’ game? It’s not hard! Look at the link I posted in the OP. This isn’t insults, this is insult swordfighting!

I’ll start again.

Have you stolen the cologne of a large baboon?

Are you wearing it?

Passable. I guess my standards are high.

You start one. I can’t think of anything easy enough to respond to.

Your face looks like a hog’s backside.

A hog’s backside? I wish you’d hog the backside of your face a bit more! Switch it up.

Enough talk about Hogs, I know you wish you were a sausage!

At least I have one.