Intellectual Acuity

Intellectual Acuity

I think that reality is multilayered like an onion. We live our life on the surface rarely penetrating the surface of reality. To seek a comprehension beyond the surface requires some kind of intellectual acuity.

Most people are familiar with the arts as a form of intellectual acuity but far fewer have any recognition of self-learning through books as a means of developing an intellectual acuity that can penetrate the surface reality.

What do you think of this opinion?

Bang on Bursty

Bang on.

Transcending the surface = Enlightenment.


I like very much your definition “Transcending the surface = Enlightenment.”

Chuck, I think the onion is a bit bigger than you think. We aren’t just on the onion, the onion surrounds us, penetrates us; it binds all things together.

Also, books aren’t the only source of intellectual acuity, and they aren’t the only way to realize your inner onion.

Um, an onion sounds a lot like…The Force! :astonished:

Suspicious… :unamused:

But seriously, I think the analogy is stronger if we’re a part of the universe, and it has heights as well as depths.

I agree. I suspect there are many useful metaphors, each of which can illuminate another important characteristic of reality.