Intellectual Character

“The Socratic questioning technique exposes each participant to probing questions forcing the student to become conscious of the thinking structure behind any assertion of opinion. Basic issues are introduced and discussed in a controlled forum and through questioning the assumptions, prejudices, points of view and other inherent thought structures are exposed. This helps all members of the dialogue to develop an understanding of their own modes of intellection. Another important feature that becomes exposed is that there may be many points of view to every question, points of view that may not even have been anticipated by other members of the dialogue group before exposure.”

In such a dialogue group each participant is forced to listen carefully and constantly develop the habits of intellectual focus and critical thinking. The student becomes conscious of the assumptions and prejudices that permeate everyone’s thinking.

The standard teacher/pupil teaching technique accentuates the importance of acquiring knowledge. The Socratic technique accentuates the importance of understanding and critical thinking. Being knowledgeable of a matter and understanding a matter are very different categories of comprehension.

I thought I might compare and contrast the professional journalist with the professional military officer in an attempt to focus upon the difference and importance of these two intellectual traits of comprehension.

What might be the ideal character traits of these two professions? It seems that the military officer should be smart, well trained, obedient and brave. The journalist should be smart, well trained, critical and honest. The journalist must have well-developed intellectual character traits and be skillful in critical thinking. The military officer should be trained to act somewhat like an automaton in critical circumstances.

The officer’s behavior in each conceivable circumstance should follow precisely a well-established code of action. The officer is trained to follow well-established algorithms in every circumstance. Even those instances wherein the officer is authorized to deviate from standard procedure are clearly defined algorithms. The officer deviates from established behavior only when absolutely necessary and that ad hoc behavior should follow along prescribed avenues. The officer obeys all commands without critical analysis except in very unusual circumstances. Bravery and obedience are the two most desired character traits of a military officer.

The role of the journalist in wartime has evolved dramatically in the last 50 years. During WWII the journalist acted as cheerleader and propagandist. During the Vietnam War the journalist often played the role of critical analyst. While one can see some positive reasons for the cheerleader and propagandist I will assume that overall this is not a proper role for the journalist in a democracy. The ideal journalist must always be a critical analyst and communicate honestly to the reader the results of her investigation.

Since most people unconsciously seek opinion fortification rather than truth they become very agitated when they find news which does not fortify their opinion. Thus, most people have low opinions of journalists. Nevertheless, it is no doubt the ideal journalist who presents the facts fairly, accurately and in a balanced manner. The ability ‘to connect the dots’ in each situation is of primary importance for the ideal journalist. Knowledge is important but understanding and critical thinking is more important.

We certainly want our military officers educated more in the didactic mode than in the Socratic mode whereas we would find that journalist educated in the Socratic mode would be the better journalist. The journalist must be able to recognize the prejudices of others as well as recognizing his/her own biases.

What might one say as regarding the contrasting importance of understanding and knowledge for a teacher, engineer, accountant, nurse, factory worker or secretary? With consideration we probably will find that knowledge is more important than understanding when thinking of the individual as a worker. The credentials that appear on most resumes are those testifying to a degree of knowledge by the job applicant. We do not even have a metric for understanding.


I do not know much about the IQ test and its reason for being but I feel certain it has nothing to do with understanding. I consider understanding to be created by the individual and to be some kind of image constructed similiar to a papier mache. I think understanding is a very personal entity and knowledge is a universal type entity.


if your understanding about military officers were correct, the results of all wars could be determined afore hand. that is not however the case. officers are creative too.

Zeno I do not understand your statement that if military officers were obedient the results of all wars would be determined beforhand.