With the rise of the term “Intellectual Poperty” to discribe the creation of data, e-books, documents, music, movies, etc in a digital format, also came the comparisons that equate the unauthorized duplication of the IP with forceful removal of the physical property (to be reffered in this post as “PP” for short, “Intellectual Poperty” as “IP”). Can the analogy be considered flawed in one prespective, or have these people created a system too good to be challenged?
This is not just a discussion on whether or not something is legal, or illegal, or moral, or immoral, but whether the laws on the books as well as a sense of logic diffuse the notion that “Intellectual Poperty” and “Physical Property” can be “lost” in the same way, if the values are the same, and if overall, they should be treated the same thing.
I do not for one minnute believe IP and PP are the same for one distinguishing feasture IP has over PP is that IP can be duplicated a near infinite ammount of times, can be used by two or more people at one time at different places around the globe, while you can’t do the same with PP. It would also be easy to calculate the loss in a sale when PP is stolen, but if IP was copied without permission, there is still a chance, although the odds are unknown, that whatever payment is due can be still made by that one person, and that no actual “product”, in this case the IP is lost, and is still fully usable, and money can be made off of it if the creator wanted to, despite illegal copies floating around.
This topic is now open to discussion. I welcome input from all sides of the issue, but ask that you try to keep your cool, as I have seen doscussions on “intellectual property,” copyrights, downloading illegal stuffs, etc become quite heated, and oftentimes closed from flamewars that break out between people in that discussion.
Argue laws, as well as moral prespectives and even logic arguments to make your case if you wish, but do not mix the two as the same thing (keep law as one point, your moral prespective as another,) it can become confusing by some, especially me if the two are mixed because of the different moral prespectives and sense of ligic in the forums.
Let’s debate
digns bell